Lack of implementation hampers Zambezi development

Zambezi Regional Council offices.

Judea Lyaboloma constituency councillor Humphrey Divai says development in the region is being hampered because resolutions taken during Zambezi Regional Council (ZRC) ordinary meetings have not been implemented since 2022.

The Zambezi Regional Council is currently being chaired by Matengu Simushi, with Linyanti constituency councillor Ivenne Kabunga and Kabbe North constituency councillor Bernard Sisamu as management committee members.

Speaking to The Namibian yesterday, Divai said council resolutions are not implemented because the chairperson and management committee members have failed to hold chief regional officer Regina Ndopu-Lubinda accountable for the non-implementation of resolutions.

“Last year, we took a resolution to suspend the chief regional officer following the corruption scandal involving her and other senior officials accused of misusing public funds.

“Furthermore, the chairperson has failed to ensure that the chief regional officer sign the performance agreement.

Various capital projects, such as the Masokotwani rural development centre and the supply and delivery of mattresses, beds and lockers to schools were not implemented, among others.

“All these resolutions die a natural death as they stand,” he said.

Divai said the council cannot adopt new resolutions, because the chairperson has failed to convene an ordinary council meeting since May 2023, while the one scheduled for 21 May this year was abruptly cancelled.

“In the last ordinary council meeting, we were to discuss my vote of no confidence motion against Simushi, however, it did not happen because he was put on leave, while the chief regional officer and two management committee members were also absent.

“Until today, no ordinary council meetings has been scheduled to take place as the chairperson and chief regional officer are dodging convening meetings,” he said.

Ndopu-Lubinda, when approached for comment yesterday, said the council is busy implementing resolutions and that the last council meeting was on 10 May.

“Note that we are currently busy fulfilling the mandate of the ZRC with the annual planning retreat currently underway at Rundu to ensure we address the development needs of our citizens,” she said.

Questions sent to Simushi over the past three weeks have not been answered.

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