New ambassadors to uphold and defend Namibia’s sovereignty

Nangolo Mbumba

I welcome all our new heads of missions to State House. 

This is indeed a proud moment for you, your families and the Namibian government. On this day, you are entrusted with the responsibility and given the privilege of representing your motherland abroad.

I have appointed you, distinguished citizens of the Republic of Namibia, to represent me in your host countries as ambassadors of the Republic of Namibia. You are well aware of the interests between Namibia and your host countries and I believe you share my desire to consolidate and enhance these relations. 

My faith in your characters and ability gives me complete confidence that you will carry out your duties in a manner fully acceptable to the leadership of your host countries. 

I have entrusted you to the confidence of the leaders of your respective host countries, asking that they receive you favourably and give full credence to what you shall say on behalf of the Republic of Namibia, as well as the assurances which you bear of my best wishes for the prosperity of your host country.

By the oath you have taken, you have made a public commitment to uphold and defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Namibia at all times. You have made a vow to promote, protect and place Namibia’s national interests above all else. I expect you, as my representatives, to inform your host countries truthfully and regularly about economic opportunities and other developments in Namibia. 

I expect you to maintain good character and integrity, thus, consistently upholding the honour, dignity and good reputation of Namibia. The national interest of Namibia and the well-being of its people should be at the forefront of all your activities. Whatever you will be doing as Namibia’s ambassadors must translate into tangible benefits for the Namibian people and contribute to our developmental agenda, as well as our quest to build a united, peaceful and prosperous Namibian House, in which no one should feel left out.

Our foreign policy is an extension of our domestic policy. The social and economic well-being of all our people is paramount. Therefore, you should be cognizant at all times of the socio-economic challenges in our country and how we are trying to address them.

During your diplomatic tour, I expect Namibia to gain more trading partners. You must endeavour to find niche markets for our products, as well as to work towards improving our image and global competitiveness rankings. As the world is moving at a fast pace towards the fourth industrial revolution, the world is changing in many areas such as science and technology, climate change and geopolitics.

For that reason we require you to keep yourself up to date with such happenings, and provide our government with appropriate policy perspectives on how to effectively navigate its path towards success.

I also charge you to serve all Namibian nationals that you will be encountering in your host countries to the best of your abilities and with utmost courtesy.

Go well and maintain your love and loyalty for the Republic of Namibia. Hold high the banners of liberty, justice and freedom. – President Nangolo Mbumba at the commissioning ceremony of the heads of mission designate of Namibia, 10 September

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