One Economy raises N$4,5 million for youth programmes

THE One Economy Foundation raised N$4 587 761 at its ninth annual fundraising event in Windhoek on Friday.

The foundation’s Ileni Hitula said the event was attended by 500 new and existing stakeholders to raise money to help mould the future of Namibia’s youth.

Hitula said this year’s theme emphasised the foundation’s commitment to nurturing young Namibians and providing the tools, opportunities and resources needed to reach their full potential.

Hitula further said the theme of the event highlighted the power of investing in Namibian youth by crafting intergenerational relationships and celebrated the collective achievements and impact.

The foundation’s chief executive Uajorokisa Karuaihe said the #BeFree Youth Campus is a physical example of what fundraising events can achieve.

“Groundbreaking work being done at the #BeFree Youth Campus includes reproductive health services, psychosocial services and empowering programmes that upskill young people,” said Karuaihe.

She said the foundation is looking forward to the construction of a Skill-Up Lab where entrepreneurship and practical skills can converge to pave the way for meaningful careers.

“This is not just a plan but a tangible step towards empowering our youth to build a brighter future. Let’s shape, mould and build, hand in hand, a future that is bright, inclusive and full of promise,” Karuaihe added.

Former first lady Monica Geingos said the campus has over 4 600 members with daily visits from 250 youths.

She noted that the campus was created through discussions with young people before it became a reality.

“The funds raised will directly support the One Economy Foundation’s programmes and expand the campus’ capacity to accommodate more young people,” Geingos said.

The pledges and donations from this year’s event will contribute to the second phase of the campus, which is currently under construction, and a brighter future for thousands of young Namibians, shaping them into confident and collaborative youth leaders, Geingos added.

The foundation invited other stakeholders to make pledges to contribute to a brighter future for the Namibian youth.

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