Online Presence and Unique Identity

Samuel Mulunga

A casual look by the interested eye through our local newspapers reveals that Namibia has a growing number of up-and-coming small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in pursuit of making their mark in their respective industries.

These SMEs also contribute to the growth and diversification of the Namibian economy.

However, this burst is not evident online – an opportunity being missed by many budding entrepreneurs.

In this piece, I will unpack why Namibian emerging companies need to consider a unique online identity – a journey I am personally on too.

Just as any SME will consider having a physical place to trade from, it’s imperative to have a unique domain name identifying that SME and acting as an ‘address’ in the cyberworld.

The need for a domain name to be registered with local or outside authorities makes the domain name authentic and hence provides the business credibility.

This is something that can be done as soon as the business is registered with the Business Intellectual Property Authority to ensure the particular domain is secured.

Having secured a domain name, SMEs can then sign up with a local service provider for email services, ensuring they have unique email addresses bearing their domain names.

This gives the SMEs a professional look when interacting with other businesses.

Making use of local service providers for email services also allows for money paid for these services to be kept in the local economy.

Not only is the money kept locally, but also data – a positive development for Namibia.

Once a domain name has been secured and professional email addresses are in place, a website becomes the next natural step for an emerging Namibian company to take. A step that comes with benefits for any aspiring entrepreneur.

As more and more people and potential customers are turning to the internet to search and look for products and services, it’s important for Namibian SMEs to have an online presence.

This will also increase opportunities for revenue generation. Additionally, potential investors will also find local SMEs through online searches.

Through their websites, SMEs can update their customers on new developments and products and engage them to ask for feedback and poll surveys.

Imagine having an employee that never sleeps and works 24 hours, seven days a week.

That is what a website can be to an SME business.

A website is the most convenient option for current and potential customers to access information about a business, view services on offer and provide a convenient way for potential customers to reach SMEs.

The future is waiting, and it’s key for emerging Namibian companies to embrace it by getting a unique domain name coupled with domain-specific email addresses and a website showcasing their business to the world.

The serious SME has no choice but to sign up.

  • Samuel Mulunga is the managing director of a Windhoek-based IT consultancy firm called Anmeta Information Technology Consultants and can be reached at

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