This comes after the Hambukushu Traditional Authority petitioned the government last year in November to revisit a decision taken in 1999 prohibiting communities in the Bwabwata National Park area from owning cattle.The authority also protested proclaiming the park as a national park without proper consultation. In separate press conferences chief George Mamili and Joseph Mayuni recently said the Bwabwata National Park was historically never part of the Kavango East region, and Mbambo should therefore not attempt to further claim land and should stick to the boundaries demarcated by the Delamination Commission in 1977.They vowed their support of the government's decision to declare the Bwabwata area as a national park.“The launch of the Bwabwata National Park, which was scheduled to take place at Chetto on 12 March 2008, was stopped because chief Mbambo claimed the whole Bwabwata – from the Kwando to the Okavango River – falls under his jurisdiction. “The latest claim by chief Mbambo is therefore no surprise to us. It would be a grave mistake to think the Mashi Traditional Authority would give up its jurisdiction over the Bwabwata area in favour of the Hambukushu Traditional Authority,” said Mayuni.He said the communities within the Bwabwata National Park are substantially benefiting economically due to the community-based tourism established in the park.“Apart from economic benefits, we consider coexisting with animals as part of our cultural heritage. The Mashi Traditional Authority supports the maintenance of the status of national park for Bwabwata, with habitation by the indigenous Khwe community as the original inhabitants of the area,” he said.Mayuni said for the sake of peace and stability, all traditional authorities should refrain from artificially extending their boundaries.Mamili said they respect the rule of law, and therefore advocate peace and stability, but they will not allow anyone to take them for a ride.“We would like to advise chief Mbambo to stop his schemes of trying to underestimate other traditional authorities in an independent country. “He should know even his predecessor, the late Alfons Mayavero, never claimed any part of Bwabwata or western Zambezi as part of the Kavango. We will not allow or accept anyone to interfere with our fundamental rights on our land matters,” he said.Mamili said the Bwabwata area should remain dedicated to the park, tourism and the San community. The Hambukushu Traditional Authority's senior headman, Erwin Diescho, could not be reached for comment.
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