No December salaries for Kunene Regional Council staff

SOME employees of the Kunene Regional Council have been forced to beg to meet their basic needs, after not receiving their December salaries, a senior council official told The Namibian on Wednesday.

Chairperson of the Kunene Regional Council, Hendrik Gaobaeb, told The Namibian this week that the council did not pay employees because the urban and rural development ministry barred chief regional officer George Kamseb from issuing salaries due to alleged recruitment irregularities.

“People busy trying to get assistance from friends to cater for their food, water and electricity. Those who are are renting are likely to lose their accommodation.

“It’s unfortunate that we have have leaders who put their interests first before the interests of staff,” the official said.

In a media statement on Thursday, the regional Swapo Party Youth League urged the council to reverse Kamseb’s appointment.

“SPYL would like to inform the Kunene Regional Council leadership to reverse its illegal decision to appoint the chief regional officer without following the due processes on recruitment with immediate effect.”

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