Police reservist kills prison officer girlfriend

AN Otjiwarongo-based police reservist on Friday allegedly shot and killed his girlfriend, a correctional officer at Oluno Rehabilitation Centre, before he killed himself.

Oshana police spokesperson warrant officer Frieda Shikole yesterday said Onesmus Kalipi (41) shot himself in the head with a 9mm pistol and died instantly.

This after he allegedly shot his girlfriend, Selma Ruben (26).

The shooting incident took place at Shinime Shiivula at Ondangwa.

Shikole said Ruben was shot three times in the stomach and right arm, and was taken to the Onandjokwe Lutheran Hospital for treatment, but died on Friday evening.

It is not clear what led to the shooting.

Ruben’s uncle, Johannes Iipinge, however, yesterday said Kalipi called him a few months ago and told him his relationship with Ruben was deteriorating.

Kalipi also revealed he paid for Ruben’s studies at the Okakarara Vocational Training Centre, Iipinge said.

After she joined the Namibian Correctional Service, Ruben moved to Ondangwa where she was working as a prison ward at Oluno rehabilitaiton Centre.

Iipinge said although Ruben and Kalipi had been in a relationship for five years, he had never met Kalipi.

He believes Kalipi got his number from Ruben.

“He told me he had gone to my father’s house at Epangu village to inform the parents about his relationship with Tangi [Ruben] and that he paid for her school fees,” Iipinge said. He said Kalipi told him he met Ruben when she was left pregnant by her ex-boyfriend, after which she moved in with him at Otjiwarongo.

After Ruben gave birth, he treated the child as his own, Kalipi allegedly told Iipinge.

He was planning to marry Ruben, Iipinge said.

“When I asked her [Ruben] about what the man had told me, she did not want to talk about it.

“She said she had reported Kalipi to the police and to a local office of the gender ministry, and Kalipi has been told to keep away from her,” Iipinge said.

“She was hesitant. She said we should not listen to Kalipi’s story.”

A colleague of Ruben’s, who preferred to remain anonymous, yesterday said Ruben came accross as happy.

“She would make jokes with everyone,” the colleague said.

Namibia Broadcasting Corporation producer Simon Kondjashili, a relative of Kalipi, on Saturday took to social media, extending his condolences to Kalipi’s family and friends.

“I am devastated by your sudden death. Goodbye, my boy, till we meet again, our dearest Hafeni Onesmus Kalipi. Everything is messed up here buddy, the Olupandu scouts group, and the entire scouts family movement in the Republic of Namibia will definitely deeply miss you. Rest well, my boy, rest well, dearest son,” he wrote.

He posted again on Sunday morning: “Dear son, I can’t sleep, I can’t believe what happened, I can’t cope with these non-stop thoughts and nightmares. Dear son, Hafeni, rest well, buddy, till we meet again.”

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