Cop arrested for allegedly shooting at IPC members

A POLICE officer from the Ohangwena region was arrested on Monday after allegedly shooting at members of the Independent Patriots for Change.

Namibian Police inspector general Sebastian Ndeitunga yesterday confirmed the officer’s arrest.

Reinhold Neshuku, IPC branch secretary for the Ongenga constituency, says the shooting took place on Saturday at the Oonawa cuca shop near the Omufitu wa Nangama village.

He says when his party’s members and supporters arrived at the cuca shop, they disembarked from their cars and started marching.

The police officer allegedly approached the IPC driver and asked: “What are you looking for?”

This happened while insulting members’ mothers, upon which two IPC members reportedly asked the officer whether he is the village headman.

“The man filled his mouth with ombike, a traditional brew, and blew it onto the IPC’s car,” Neshuku says.

The officer then left the scene and promised to return “to put us into our mother’s *ss”, he says.

Neshuku claims the police officer bragged about his shooting skills before he left the scene.

“He got into his silver GD6 Toyota pickup and drove away. In less than five minutes we heard eight shots or more in the direction of the police tent near the cuca shop,” he says.

Neshuku says the party has opened a case of attempted murder, intimidation and threat, violation of the Electoral Act, assault, and common assault against the police officer.

Ndeitunga yesterday told a media briefing at the Oshakati police headquarters that the behaiviour of the police officer does not reflect the policies of the Namibian Police.

“Hence disciplinary measures in line with our code of conduct have already been taken against this police officer,” he said.

He said the officer is out on bail, and investigations into the matter have commenced.

The officer will be given the opportunity to state his side of the events, “but this type of conduct, if it is true, is unacceptable because it tarnishes the image of the police and that of the government,” Ndeitunga said.

He said he wants to see the Namibian Police fulfilling their roles as protectors in a neutral, impartial, objective and apolitical way – irrespective of citizens’ political affiliation and creed.

“I am warning every police officer to refrain from this kind of conduct. I would also love political parties to continue mobilising and campaigning in a peaceful environment without provoking one another.

“They should campaign in a very mature way, without insulting or ridiculing others. They should do everything with due respect to each and everyone who is participating in this democratic elections or campaigns,” Ndeitunga said.

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