THE National Arts Council of Namibia (NACN), in collaboration with the basic education, arts and culture ministry will soon award bursaries to candidates studying creative arts field.
This follows the N$5 million funds made available by the ministry to the arts council for the Covid-19 relief fund to benefit the country’s creative sector.
The council said the relief fund officially closed on 30 September, with roughly N$1 million set aside for the fifth round.
This would be used to fund 59 successful applicants and comprise of 42 individuals, 10 groups and seven organisations.
Meanwhile, the applications for bursary funding will be open from 5 October, and will close on 5 November 2020.
The council’s administrator Gretta Gaspar said the arts education; arts management and arts curatorship among other categories, will be given priority, as these are critical areas.
“Furthermore, the NACN will fund the bursaries differently due to the limited funding,” Gaspar added.
The funding will be based on the following allocations: College of the Arts gets 40 Bursaries, while Namibian institutions that are NQA accredited, get 10 bursaries at undergraduate level.
Meanwhile, five bursaries would be considered for studies within the Southern African Development Community at undergraduate level, with five bursaries for postgraduate studies, nationally or internationally.
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