Union wants ‘killer’ taxi fare increase

IF the Namibia Transport and Taxi Union has its way, commuters in Windhoek will have to fork out anything between N$15 and N$75 per trip with effect from 1 September this year.

The NTTU wrote to works minister John Mutorwa earlier this month, informing him that they will unilaterally go ahead and implement the fare increase. This is despite the fact that the majority of taxi commuters earn between N$2 000 and N$3 000 a month.

Addressing the media in Windhoek yesterday, NTTU president Werner Januarie said if Mutorwa wants, he can take the union to court over the issue.

The works ministry’s deputy director of transportation policy and regulations, Damien Mabengano, yesterday said they had submitted the NTTU’s proposal for the 50% fare increase to the transportation board two weeks ago.

He said the ministry was waiting for a response from the board, which does an economic analysis to see whether commuters could afford the taxi fare if it was increased to those levels.

After the decision is made, the minister would be informed, and then the public would also be told.

Mabengano said the public should report to the police any driver who overcharges them before the transportation board’s decision to increase the fare or not is made.

Januarie, however, insisted that the taxi fare increase would be effected because of the high cost of living, high maintenance costs, high petrol and fuel costs, and the 100% increase in the issuance of certificates of conduct.

The taxi union president added that drivers do not benefit under the current environment.

“If you fail to take me to court, which I am sure you would as cowards as you all are, then I am personally going to urge members of the public to apply pressure on you, the minister of works and transport, to take me, Werner Januarie, to court,” he challenged Mutorwa.

spoke to a few taxi drivers who were at the event to understand why they want fares to increase, while others were eager to see what the new fare list would look like.

Johnny Usiku said with the basic salary that they receive, they have so much to pay for, adding to cries that they do not have overtime pay. Taxi drivers are given 30% commission on the money they make, while they also have to make provision for petrol.

Jacob Andima, for his part, said he does not have a problem with the increase, and would appreciate an increase of even as little as N$1 or N$1,50.

Another taxi driver, who preferred to remain anonymous, said he is a fourth-year student at the International University of Management (IUM), and the money he receives makes it hard for him to survive.

“I have to pay for graduation fees, rent a room, and buy N$100 electricity, which only lasts for two days,” he stressed, adding that he stays in Greenwell, where he pays N$700 rent per month.

One taxi driver said the new fare list should be placed on all taxis so that drivers do not have to argue with customers.

The NTTU president attached a seven-page price list for new taxi fares that will be implemented.

“This attached price list is as per both taxi drivers and owners’ demands. The main members of the taxi industry are suggesting and proposing for Windhoek as a starting point, and other regions and towns will be properly addressed as we progress,” he stated, adding that the request made is across the board, meaning countrywide.

Commuters will be paying N$15 to get dropped off at all taxi ranks in Katutura and Khomasdal, while if they are dropped off at home or a fixed address, they will be charged N$30.

The main taxi rank in town, as well as Wernhil or the old Ellerines area, will be N$15, while getting dropped off at Town Square or Checkers in town, which is a no drop-off zone for taxis, will be N$30.

According to the fare list, a passenger having a crate of beer or cooldrink will be charged N$5 extra while for a bag of cement, they will be charged N$10 extra.

“A full boot of light items will cost customers an extra N$30 to be negotiated with taxi drivers, depending on the items in the boot of the taxi,” the price list stated.

Two children under the age of six will qualify to pay for one full seat, while the fare from Katutura or Khomasdal to Rocky Crest, and being dropped at home, will be N$45.

“Prices included here are strict to be adhered to, and if any person is found charging passengers more than required price, it needs to be reported to the unions head office (sic),” the fare list reads.

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