Tapiwa Makaza

Practically raised on the comedic stage and now known by his government name, Tapiwa Makaza returned to Namibia after touring Europe on the luxury cruise ship MSC Preziosa as an in-house comedian/entertainer in 2017. Back with the bang of a series of YouTube comedy sketches, a Savanna Comics Choice Awards Pan-African comic of the year nomination and an October performance at Cape Town’s acclaimed Kasi Comedy Night, the 21-year-old comedian is a savvy young local star seeing the world, diversifying the comedy game and building his legend.

Me getting back in the Namibian system and guess what? Nothing has changed since I’ve been gone! Oh wait, never mind, jive is N$12 now. .

The year before 2020.

That avocados are delicious. I only discovered them this year and they go down on brown bread with sweet chilli! Have white people been hiding this or was it just me left behind?

“, let’s just give that tender to the Chinese guy for cheap so we can pocket the rest.”

Last year on the cruise ship, I met this Japanese girl who became my girlfriend. I call her Yoko Ono. She visited me twice this year, here in Nam and also in Cape Town when I was on tour!

We broke up last week! Oh well, but a close second is when some broke into my friend’s car and stole my favourite jacket and phone. I hate these guys. We’ll find you!

I wish I could say ‘Pangaman’ by CUP because I played Pangaman in the music video but the song dropped last year! My personal favourite is ‘Ovivava’ by Loudima featuring Nga-i and Mappz.

Swapo! Oh wait, you mean party party? My nephew Angelo turned six this year and he shut down the whole kindergarten! Popo even came through!

Nando’s extra-extra hot peri-peri sauce! RIP Nando’s, by the way. Biggest tragedy in the history of this country.

Probably my ex, the wounds are still fresh.

Did you see the pic of that girl who was carrying the buffalo leg after those 400 buffalo drowned in the Chobe River? Go look it up! That’s wifey material, bra!

Girls whose eyebrows are shaped like buffalo horns.

When I left Cape Town, I forgot my laptop in the hotel.

Every government employee who was ‘on lunch’ since breakfast! Close second is Malusi Gigaba. Everyone knows you don’t include your face when you send nudes!

That guy from Mali who Spiderman-climbed up a building to save that baby from falling off a balcony in France because now we know the requirements to get French citizenship if you’re African: Just save a white baby!

Also My N*gga Get Rich. Angolan guys who wear Havaianas with socks are a close second.

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