A 75-YEAR-OLD man, who spent eight years in the Robben Island prison with the late Herman Andimba Toivo ya Toivo, has urged young Namibians to emulate his humility and respect for leaders.
Lazarus Guiteb recalled experiences in prison with Ya Toivo.
He expressed shock and sadness on the passing away of his political and prison inmate friend.
The member of the Robben Island Prisoner Trust Fund described Ya Toivo as “an honest and true leader”.
Guiteb said Ya Toivo was straightforward. He was incarcerated with the likes of Ben Ulenga, Michael Shikongo and Ruben Itengula.
Guiteb was there from 1967 to 1984.
He said when they arrived in South Africa, the late Ya Toivo was already serving his sentence.
“We found Ya Toivo in prison in 1977, came face to face with him shortly after our release from Robben Island in 1984, and boarded the same airplane back to Namibia.”
He met Ya Toivo again in 1986 in Luanda, Angola, where they shared more memories of the prison experience.
“Life was tough for everyone at Robben Island as we lived in isolation at different sections, but we made it,” said Guiteb.
– Nampa
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