Gabriel Taapopi Senior Secondary School won their fourth debate against J G van der Wath Secondary School on Thursday, in the the Zula Energy High School Debating competition.
They debated on the motion ‘this house believes that businesses should be allowed to donate money to political campaigns’. Both schools stood their ground and each gave excellent points but Gabriel Taapopi SSS emerged victorious and now lead group D with a comfortable 12 point lead.
Acacia High School further consolidated their performance by defeating Concordia College on the motion ‘this house will legalise the sale of human organs’. This debate motion was strongly contested by both schools but Acacia came out better organised than its opponent.
Academia (for) versus Windhoek Gymnasium (against) will be debating the motion ‘this house believes that weapons of mass destruction should be eliminated voluntarily’ this afternoon at 14h00 on Energy100FM.
At 14h30, Dawid Bezuidenhout (for) and Eldorado Secondary School (against) debate the motion ‘this house believes that smoking should be banned completely’.
On Thursday, 18 June at 14h00: Windhoek HS (for) vs Cosmos (against) will debate the motion ‘this house believes that performance enhancing drugs should be allowed in sports’ and at 14h30, Mweshipandeka Secondary School (for) vs Gabriel Taapopi SSS (against) debate the motion ‘this house believes that plastic bags should be banned’.
Tune into Energy100FM to listen as the leaders of tomorrow debate various issues of relevance to our country.
The organisers invite interested parties with a passion for education development and empowerment to come on board. For more information, kindly contact Pendapala Hangala at 0818750052 or Fannes Namhunya at 081 1486843.
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