Izak Buys Junior SS Scoop OYO Trophy

With the high number of on gender-based violence cases, Ombetja Yehinga Organisation (OYO) Trust launched a project for the youth recently in collaboration with the Christina Swart-Opperman (CSO) foundation and the European Union.

Twelve schools all over Namibia were invited to participate and compete for the first ever OYO Social Engagement Trophy. Pupils were required to create two boards consisting of inspirational messages and encourage their schoolmates as well as parents to sign commitment forms as a pledge to end gender-based violence in their respective regions. Izak Buys Junior Secondary School from Leonardville in the Omaheke region emerged as the winner, clinching 934 commitment forms, while Gustav Kandjii Secondary School in Otjinene came in second place and Nossobville Primary School was ranked third in the competition.

“It was fascinating to see the commitment and dedication of both schools and learners.” Dr Phillip Talavera, OYO’s director was quoted saying. “They really took on the issue seriously.”

Due to the success of the project, OYO will bring back the competition in 2015, with plans to expand it to the Erongo region (with help from the CSO foundation/EU) and the Karas region (with thanks to the Karas foundation).

Pledges from pupils included “I will not abuse the opposite sex verbally or physically” written by Operi Kaseraera, a Grade 9 pupil from Wennie du Plessis and “I will not deny others their gender rights” written by Marike Aletta Gouws, a Grade 7 pupil from Ben van der Walt Primary School.

“What touched me most was that, in many schools, boys actually took part in the painting competition. It is of utmost importance to engage boys in such work, encourage them not to become the perpetrators of violence.The Omaheke region youth are definitively leading by example,” Talavera concluded.”

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