THE Windhoek Central Hospital’s maternity ward, which has been renovated and upgraded at a cost of N$37,3 million, was inaugurated by the Ministry of Health and Social Services yesterday.
Dr Naftali Hamata, who read the keynote address on behalf of health minister Richard Kamwi, said the Windhoek Central Hospital maternity wing was initially inaugurated in 1974, and needed extensive renovations over the years because of lack of space and dilapidated structures.
In his speech, Kamwi apologised for delays in the renovation process, but said that important upgrades were added.
“A second maternity theatre, a maternity pharmacy to avoid delays in patient treatment regiments and high care rooms for close observation of pregnant and post-natal patients with complications have been built,” said Kamwi, adding that the newly-renovated premises also have additional rooms for proper filing of patients records.
The Windhoek Central Hospital’s maternity ward renovations started in 2010, and the renovated premises started operating partially in July 2012.
The ministry also approached different stakeholders to join them in addressing various health issues.
“The response was positive and First National Bank Namibia adopted the maternity ward, for which they donated linen worth N$600 000, consisting of bath and hand towels, cot sheets, bed sheets, duvets, duvet covers and blankets among other items.
The bank also pledged to open saving accounts for the first 100 babies born in the upgraded ward,” Kamwi said.
The mothers of those 100 babies were also invited to the inauguration, in line with an agreement between the ministry and the bank.
The mother of a premature baby, Loide Upindi, who has been in the maternity ward for the past two weeks said she was impressed by the upgrading.
“This is my first baby, but it’s not my first time to come here. I must say I really like it. It’s like I am at a private hospital. The doctors are also very professional and effective,” Upindi said.
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