So you come to this new exciting place where you know no one and have no friends. You stand at the office in brand new school uniform, yes that was me.
As time passed by, seeing older people in Grade 12, you ask yourself how you will manage. Finally you get to the hall and you get to know your teacher, classes, classmates and well, the Grade 12s. Normally, if you are new, then you have the quiet and innocent face, so quiet that you don’t talk, but I guess it was different with me.
Knowing that the teacher was there, I talked as loud as possible, asking people’s names and previous schools.
I guessed that that’s how you make friends. I then started hanging out with my primary school friend, but it didn’t feel like I fit in so I made new friends, who I had things in common with.
In high school, those older cute guys and new people can get you so excited that you don’t think straight and do things you don’t mean.
You look at other people failing, being bullied or even getting pregnant, so you try to be yourself but be aware of life in high school.
Being in high school comes with disadvantages. If you are kind to everyone, people get jealous.
If you want to know guys better, girls get angry. You later realise that most girls have a problem with you.
Later on, you get on the teachers’ good side by doing homework, passing, giving answers and being the pupil that teachers want, but then other pupils get jealous. Just like in other schools, pupils compete for the top spot in classes and for the highest marks. They could even try to frame you for cheating in tests, they might even write your name on the talking list even if it’s not true, just for you to get into trouble.
Ja, high school. The thing you dream about. Only if you knew how life really is to people with low self-esteem who will do anything for friends, even if they have to pretend to be someone they’re not. That was my first year of the best high school to me, Cosmos High School.
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