How Old is Swapo? We Need to Respect Our History

Joseph Diescho

For purposes of historical accuracy, factual consistency and to avoid opportunistic revisionism, it is important to affirm that Swapo is 66 years old on 2 August 2023.

Tatekulu Andimba Toivo ya Toivo, with a few fellow South West African labourers and students in Cape Town, South Africa, formed the Owamboland People’s Congress (OPC) on 2 August 1957 to agitate against the abusive and racist labour practices in Namibia (then South West Africa).

They were inspired by the activism and political agitation of black South Africans under the aegis of the African National Congress (ANC).

At the time, South West Africa was considered a fifth province of South Africa.

The OPC was renamed the Owambo People’s Organisation (OPO) on 19 April 1959 and re-renamed the South West Africa People’s Organisation (Swapo) on 19 April 1960.

The historical facts therefore suggest Swapo was started by people who are denied credit as founders of the revolution.

These facts also suggest that the erstwhile liberation movement Swapo is 66 years old and not 63 as we commonly believe(d).

Recognising the facts that the name of the organisation changed to reflect movement and sentiments on the ground does not alter facts and time.

True history should reflect facts and time, not individual choice or convenience.


The courage, determination, and spirit of Toivo ya Toivo and others in 1957 led to an entire series of political activism in colonial Namibia, and we do ourselves a disservice by dismissing it just “to fit”.

As if that was not enough, Toivo ya Toivo was conscripted to fight against Nazi Germany in World War II, and also endured 16 torturous years as a prisoner on South Africa’s notorious Robben Island as a voice of and for Namibia.

This does not diminish or take away from other people and their significant role in the fight for Namibia’s national independence. However, facts are facts.

How do we account for the contributions of those who were with Ya Toivo before 1960 such as Andreas Shipanga, Maxton Mutongolume, Emil Appolus, Solomon Mifima, Jakob Kuhangua, Ottilie Schimming Abrahams, Kenneth Abrahams and Fanuel Kozonguizi, among others?

Toivo ya Toivo can be seen as the founder of Swapo and Swapo, as such, is according to historical chronicles 66 years old, not 63 years old, this year.

Due respect goes to Swapo, Swanu, the church and other national independence fighters. Without them, we would not be where we are now.

  • Joseph Diescho is an author and political analyst

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