Ministry concerned over audio scam

Lucia Iipumbu

The Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade has expressed concern at the impersonation of trade minister Lucia Iipumbu in an audio to solicit funds from prominent and affluent Namibians.

According to a statement issued on Friday by ministry spokesperson Elijah Mukubonda, the ministry has noted an audio in which a female voice impersonating the minister “unlawfully solicits favours in acquiring funds from prominent and affluent persons in society”.

“Such mendacious and dubious acts by the perpetrator negatively impact not only the image of the Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade, but also tarnish the image of the minster in her personal capacity,” Mukubonda said.

The ministry warned members of the public not to fall for such scams.

“We wish to state emphatically that the minister does not need assistance and would never solicit money from any individual, particularly to assist a family member,” Mukubonda said.

The ministry warned the perpetrator of the scam to desist from such activities and said the law would catch up with them, while encouraging members of the public to report any such activities to the ministry.

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