Big roaring on Tony Rust Raceway

Basil van Rhyn Audi TT

The third-leg of the National Circuit Racing saw several new commers on the tracks, with the likes of Marius van Zyl, Kris Liebenberg and the youngster, Jordan Izaaks.

Though Liebenberg and Izaaks experienced technical issues with their cars, and could not finish all the laps, they assured Top Revs they will be back, better, faster and will bring on the fight again.

But the two big dogs – Bazil van Rhyn in his Audi TT and Hein Bisschoff in his mighty V8 – ensured value for money with their high-performance vehicles that kept spectators on their feet.

The race between Van Rhyn and Bisschoff was very tight at times. But it was the straights that Van Rhyn capitalised on and the difference between the best lap times was less than 3 seconds.

Speaking to Top Revs soon after the race, Van Rhyn said he put the car on high boost and then it was 100% all the way.

Kris Liebenberg

In true sportsmanship, Van Rhyn had this to say about Bisschoff’s V8: “The first two laps were really nice with Hein behind me. And, I must say that V8 is not slow, but it was very nice.” 

Meanwhile, in the pits Bisschoff acknowledged the competition between him and Van Rhyn, saying it was a nice race and there was good sportsmanship between them.

“We are not going to do more on the car except a couple of maintenance jobs to be prepared for the next race.”

New-kid-on-the-block 16-year-old Jordan Izaaks said it was a bit stressful seeing the profiles of the racers he had to face on the tracks.

Though he did not finish the race, he said the event was nice and everyone welcomed him to the sport.

“I will definitely be back for the next event.”

Izaaks said he was preparing to take his car back home.

First timer Van Zyl also echoed the words of Izaaks that he will be back and assured fellow racers stiff competition.

Ewald Bisschoff

Thirteen cars entered in five different classes for the third leg.


Clubman Class:  Van Rhyn with 12 points and a best lap time of 70,78 seconds.

Class B: Hein Bischoff (12 points) and a best lap time of 73,71 seconds.

Class D: Ewald Bisschoff (27 points), Wayne Rust (18) and Matthew Strydom (10)

Class E: Pieter Greeff (24), Andre Havenga (9) and Devon Farmer (4)

Class X: Van Zyl (24), Craig Bisschoff (16) and Kris Liebenberg (9)

The next event is slated for 23 September at Tony Rust. This event will be for the books, as it will coincide with the Windhoek Motor Club Speed Festival that will see muscle cars from South Africa taking part against Namibian racers.

Wayne Rust (front) and Mathew Strydom in tight racejpg

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