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SMSes of the day : Monday

SMSes of the day : Monday

* ACCOUNTABILITY and responsibility are a foreign concept when it comes to our GRN. If the so-called leaders do not want to take accountability for their actions, how do you expect the civil servants to react when it comes to responsibility. Bad behaviour breeds bad behaviour. It all boils down to accepting accountability for your actions GRN!!!

* WHAT example does Mr Imbamba set. He should be the one telling the community of Henties Bay, not to drink and drive. Now he is doing that. The magistrate should set an example by giving him a sentences that he won’t forget. – Concerned Namibian Food for thought * I HAVE a son with a half Khosa and half Orlam man who was neither loving nor romantic and he ran away when I was five weeks pregnant. My son is now four years old and he (the man) has never even given him a N$10 toy from China town but he is constantly borrowing N$1 000 from me that he never pays back. Not only Oshiwambo-speaking men are unromantic and irresponsible but this is a black African man mental disease. Mind you, the man in question is only a father of two and a CEO of a parastatal. This is a national issue and I strongly believe that a high percentage of street children are the children of CEOs, engineers, PSs and even Ministers and business people who simply refuse to take responsibility.* REGARDING the B1 butcher. My dear women, we may not know how appealing our appeals are and how effective our protests are to the BUTCHER, but we know that staying away from areas where the Butcher may be going can be very effective. Remember poverty is less agonising and dehumanising than being butchered. BUTCHER! Every dog has its day!* I AM a young returnee who went to Angola in 1987, driven from school by the Swapo soldiers near the border called Oukwandongo combined school. Swapo was responsible for taking us from our parents and dropping some of us in the bushes of Angola, but now the party is no more taking care of us or considering us as other people who were in exile? We suffered the same! Think of a child of 6 or 7 years going in exile without parental care. Do something for us. We are in the streets unemployed.* PLEASE allow me space to let my views be heard on the crime taking place in Namibia. The Namibian Police are so underpaid that some (allegedly) take part in crimes rather than prevent them like in the case of the Standard Bank robbery suspect who was allegedly free by a Police officer!! He may get a three-month salary for job well done to rescue a thief from jail? Rugby blues* SIES Dirk. Don’t explain Resign!* RUGBY bosses. What a disgrace for our country! I have no words to describe my disappointment.* CONRADIE should fire himself and reinstate those he fired!* THERE has been endless squabbles in the NRU. What a shame for Namibia that the NRU executive is barred from the RWC. It is a disgrace for the players. We want the truth about alleged irregular sale of tickets. The executive must be probed by whoever has the mandate to do that. If there is any truth, get rid of the executive.* DIRK and his entire exco must step down. This is not negotiable!* CONRADIE must just go. This is a disgrace to rugby and to each and every Namibian. Why is he still holding press conferences. He messed up everything. He overstayed his welcome and has to go.* WHAT a shame and disgrace. Conradie disgraced Namibia and should go. We don’t want to see or hear of him again. Think for a moment that President Pohamba and his Cabinet are barred from a international meeting because he committed fraud.* HOW guilty is Pieter Fick in all of this? Did he not cause the problem and is now trying to drag Namibian rugby through the mud because he got caught and was removed by the NRU?* DIRK Conradie has disgraced Namibia he should be barred as a lawyer pending investigations by the IRB. – Peter* I BELIEVE in Conradie, but now I think he is a disgrace and a disappointment. He has to go. Namibia will play with less support thanks to him. Retire him. Please. – Truly Namibian Hands off* The enemies of Namibia are not NGOs, the media and rights organisations. The enemy of this country is ignorant Swapo Party comrades like Kaaronda, Hakaye and the likes. Please ruling party, don’t defend us we are not ignorant.* I’M questioning the intelligence of Mr Kaaronda. Does this man not have principles as a respected leader. Why is he always fighting wars for other corrupt elements, ignoring and neglecting the issues of the poor workers. Is he a pretender?* MP Jhonny Hakaye qualifies to be a gatekeeper in hell. The National Council needs democratic representatives of all persons. SMS 99902 is the ordinary people’s Parliament. Read it or leave it!* THE Namibian Team, you commenced the informative SMS for us and it is now ours. Allow us to express ourselves as guaranteed in a democratic society. Don’t even be bothered by the ignorant Hakayes. It is unfortunate that we elected them to serve us but they are serving their bellies instead.* UNION leaders are Swapo puppets. Kaaronda just wants a seat in parliament, because now Swapo can see that he will campaign for them. Please leave The Namibian, we want freedom of speech! Besides if there is nothing to hide, why are we fearing the ICC case? Unless some people are accomplices.* PLEASE keep hands off The Namibian newspaper, we the true democrats will defend our newspaper whatever the consequences.Viva The Namibian!* MR Kaaronda and Muheua please you are the ones threatening democracy in Namibia. Think how the two of you came to power – through dirty tricks.* KAARONDA and Hakaye must be seen as enemies of peace and democracy in Namibia. You cannot stop us from our freedom of speech if the struggle was about democracy. They are abusing Swapo’s name by pursuing their own interests and individualism.* WHY did Mr Kaaronda call a press conference? Whom did he expect to cover it? Let Kaaronda tell us (about) the Swapo members that are destroying it from within. Does Mr Kaaronda really think he cares about the nation? In case he forgets, Mr Tjiriange is Swapo SG, not him. Let him do himself a favour to focus on workers issues rather than politics. He is not playing fair. Please leave The Namibian alone. Get a copy of the land’s constitution and read it. Or is it just another book to you?* KAARONDA, did you consult with us, the union members about your ridiculous idea you are feeding the Government. You are there to fight our grievances, not yours.* IF a parliament is a forum and vice versa, then The Namibian must be a parliament!* IF you touch The Namibian, you touch the people.* MR Kaaronda, SPYL, Unam demonstrators, Hakaye, take a good look at yourselves in the mirror. You’ll see the number one enemy to peace and democracy in Namibia.Congratulations* I WOULD like to thank the Brave Warriors for a job well done. We are proud of you guys. – Diouf, Otjiwarongo* CONGRATULATIONS to the Brave Warriors, their coaches and players for a job well done, as they booked us to Ghana 2008. – Dictator, Walvis Bay* PRAISE be to the BRAVE WARRIORS! They did it! They won Ethiopia away. l have confidence our boys can go far. Keep it up boys. Good luck to Muna Katupose. – Jaki Rutz, Opuwo Thank you* PRAISE to Honourable Naruseb for rescuing a situation that might have caused a big security risk or most Windhoek businesses. The security industry is milking the retail business and home owners, so they should just get their act together and pay decent salaries to their employees.* BISHOP Kameeta, you are a caring father. You are there for poor, you are a great man, you are a true father of the nation. God bless you.* VERY BIG thanks to the NBC for broadcasting the GARDENER’S DAUGHTER omnibus on Saturdays. Can anyone help?* I’M looking for a very best friend of mine. Her name is LOUISE KAFITA she used to go to school at Grootfontein High School. Anyone who knows where I can contact her please give me a call or SMS me her contact details.(0812289104)Politics in general* NAMIBIANS, young and old, please if you can afford it, go to CNA and buy yourself a copy of ‘Capitalist Nigger’ by Chika Onyeani. Read it and pass it on. The book, ‘Capitalist Nigger’, is a must, mainly in this time where politicians don’t really make a difference between a company, private enterprise and a country.* SWAPO Government’s Vision 2030 track record is non-existent – it is only in their minds. We don’t see leadership qualities. Our people, after 17 years we still live in poverty. With you in power Namibians don’t have hope for a better future.* The ICC does not only deal with cases post-2002. Milosevich committed acts of genocide during the Yugoslavia civil war and was taken to Hague where he committed suicide.* AS far as some of us recall, Swapo President, Sam Nujoma immediately after returning from exile announced that his movement was extending a hand of friendship to those his movement might have wronged. Now, what else do some people want Sam Nujoma to do?* WHEN Shixwameni and Ulenga left Swapo, they said it was because of infighting for power in the party. Now I wonder what the hell are the two doing with their party. Shixwameni and his sympathisers must know that when Ulenga formed his party they where not there. Let them leave Ulenga and his party alone and form their own party!* PLEASE Mr President, can the Government please issue me a one way ticket. I want to go to Germany, but I don’t have money. – Shuumbwa, Karasburg* WHY is it that most of the people want Dr Nujoma to quit politics? 80% in Parliament were in exile with him or let me say they are all ‘Swapo gurus’. So let Nujoma be there with others!* TO the politicians and other Government officials! Please stop the nonsense you’re busy with and start serving the nation! We are tired of you always referring to the past. We want to hear about job opportunities and other developments. – Sam Strongmen Hinamunhu Big issues* I WOULD like to respond to the SMS stating BB is porn.What do you call it when people whip out their private parts in public and urinate on the side walk… “tradition?” or when they take a dump in public … “culture”? At least you can choose to watch BB or not and our kids are not exposed to the show unless u allow it. With BB we get a choice… With public “dumpers” we have no choice or control …* IF Meryl was a Damara-Nama, what would Oshiwambos say. I watch BBA 18 hours a day and I always see her in underwear. Oshiwambos say something. (I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, we are all Namibians. It doesn’t matter whether Meryl is Oshi-speaking or not. We should be proud of our various cultures, but not use tribalism as a divisive factor. On Meryl, I do not watch BBA 24 hours a day, but do check it out now and again. I have rarely seen Meryl in underwear. I have seen her in casual shorts and I have seen her in sleep shorts. While you may not like the way Meryl dresses, you should really try and take a look at her positive qualities. She has many. – News Editor)* NBC, please show us BIG BROTHER AFRICA. That’s why we pay for our TV licence 2007-2008.* BIG Brother, please NBC. Everyone’s talking about it. I feel left out.General * IS it true that unemployment, hunger, poverty, income disparity are active ingredients for social unrest?* THE ACC should please go and investigate the appointments and salary scales and gradings of RCC’s top management.* MR Barry Rukoro, acting SG of the NFA, promised the nation on ONE AFRICA TV that the NPL is going to start on September 1. We are entering the second week of the month and all is quiet. Who’s fooling who? – Pack, Windhoek* WHY are orphans who do not have both parents not getting assistance from the Government? If I am short of information, how should one go about this? In my opinion these are the most vulnerable children compared to those who are surviving with one parent. Some families (like mine) have many orphans who are at secondary schools and universities.* THANK you Mr. Karuuombe for your effort in defence of the Herero Mall. For Mr Hengari, please do some research and consultation before arriving at conclusions. Think about poor people who are trying to make a living at the Mall. It doesn’t mean that if you’re well off the others are too. So please do us a favour and keep your comments to yourself until such a time that you realise what the Mall’s purpose is. – N.M., Windhoek* THE unions of Namibia are very weak, how can they say they have come to an agreement if they only add 50 cents from N$2,50 to make N$3. That money is too little to put enough food on the table.* LITERACY promoters in the Ohangwena Region have not been paid since April this year. They are part and parcel of the Ministry of Education. This problem has been going on since 2001 to date and never received any attention at all. Can the Director of Education of the Ohangwena Region tell us what the problem is?* NBC is boring, not entertaining and certainly not worth wasting my time on. Why should we pay for a TV licence to watch eight hours of news every day. I get my news from The Namibian. Do our ministers and president even watch that crap?* I HAVE a son with a half Khosa and half Orlam man who was neither loving nor romantic and he ran away when I was five weeks pregnant. My son is now four years old and he (the man) has never even given him a N$10 toy from China town but he is constantly borrowing N$1 000 from me that he never pays back. Not only Oshiwambo-speaking men are unromantic and irresponsible but this is a black African man mental disease. Mind you, the man in question is only a father of two and a CEO of a parastatal. This is a national issue and I strongly believe that a high percentage of street children are the children of CEOs, engineers, PSs and even Ministers and business people who simply refuse to take responsibility.* REGARDING the B1 butcher. My dear women, we may not know how appealing our appeals are and how effective our protests are to the BUTCHER, but we know that staying away from areas where the Butcher may be going can be very effective. Remember poverty is less agonising and dehumanising than being butchered. BUTCHER! Every dog has its day! * I AM a young returnee who went to Angola in 1987, driven from school by the Swapo soldiers near the border called Oukwandongo combined school. Swapo was responsible for taking us from our parents and dropping some of us in the bushes of Angola, but now the party is no more taking care of us or considering us as other people who were in exile? We suffered the same! Think of a child of 6 or 7 years going in exile without parental care. Do something for us. We are in the streets unemployed.* PLEASE allow me space to let my views be heard on the crime taking place in Namibia. The Namibian Police are so underpaid that some (allegedly) take part in crimes rather than prevent them like in the case of the Standard Bank robbery suspect who was allegedly free by a Police officer!! He may get a three-month salary for job well done to rescue a thief from jail? Rugby blues * SIES Dirk. Don’t explain Resign! * RUGBY bosses. What a disgrace for our country! I have no words to describe my disappointment.* CONRADIE should fire himself and reinstate those he fired! * THERE has been endless squabbles in the NRU. What a shame for Namibia that the NRU executive is barred from the RWC. It is a disgrace for the players. We want the truth about alleged irregular sale of tickets. The executive must be probed by whoever has the mandate to do that. If there is any truth, get rid of the executive.* DIRK and his entire exco must step down. This is not negotiable! * CONRADIE must just go. This is a disgrace to rugby and to each and every Namibian. Why is he still holding press conferences. He messed up everything. He overstayed his welcome and has to go.* WHAT a shame and disgrace. Conradie disgraced Namibia and should go. We don’t want to see or hear of him again. Think for a moment that President Pohamba and his Cabinet are barred from a international meeting because he committed fraud.* HOW guilty is Pieter Fick in all of this? Did he not cause the problem and is now trying to drag Namibian rugby through the mud because he got caught and was removed by the NRU? * DIRK Conradie has disgraced Namibia he should be barred as a lawyer pending investigations by the IRB. – Peter * I BELIEVE in Conradie, but now I think he is a disgrace and a disappointment. He has to go. Namibia will play with less support thanks to him. Retire him. Please. – Truly Namibian Hands off * The enemies of Namibia are not NGOs, the media and rights organisations. The enemy of this country is ignorant Swapo Party comrades like Kaaronda, Hakaye and the likes. Please ruling party, don’t defend us we are not ignorant.* I’M questioning the intelligence of Mr Kaaronda. Does this man not have principles as a respected leader. Why is he always fighting wars for other corrupt elements, ignoring and neglecting the issues of the poor workers. Is he a pretender? * MP Jhonny Hakaye qualifies to be a gatekeeper in hell. The National Council needs democratic representatives of all persons. SMS 99902 is the ordinary people’s Parliament. Read it or leave it! * THE Namibian Team, you commenced the informative SMS for us and it is now ours. Allow us to express ourselves as guaranteed in a democratic society. Don’t even be bothered by the ignorant Hakayes. It is unfortunate that we elected them to serve us but they are serving their bellies instead.* UNION leaders are Swapo puppets. Kaaronda just wants a seat in parliament, because now Swapo can see that he will campaign for them. Please leave The Namibian, we want freedom of speech! Besides if there is nothing to hide, why are we fearing the ICC case? Unless some people are accomplices.* PLEASE keep hands off The Namibian newspaper, we the true democrats will defend our newspaper whatever the consequences.Viva The Namibian! * MR Kaaronda and Muheua please you are the ones threatening democracy in Namibia. Think how the two of you came to power – through dirty tricks.* KAARONDA and Hakaye must be seen as enemies of peace and democracy in Namibia. You cannot stop us from our freedom of speech if the struggle was about democracy. They are abusing Swapo’s name by pursuing their own interests and individualism.* WHY did Mr Kaaronda call a press conference? Whom did he expect to cover it? Let Kaaronda tell us (about) the Swapo members that are destroying it from within. Does Mr Kaaronda really think he cares about the nation? In case he forgets, Mr Tjiriange is Swapo SG, not him. Let him do himself a favour to focus on workers issues rather than politics. He is not playing fair. Please leave The Namibian alone. Get a copy of the land’s constitution and read it. Or is it just another book to you? * KAARONDA, did you consult with us, the union members about your ridiculous idea you are feeding the Government. You are there to fight our grievances, not yours.* IF a parliament is a forum and vice versa, then The Namibian must be a parliament! * IF you touch The Namibian, you touch the people.* MR Kaaronda, SPYL, Unam demonstrators, Hakaye, take a good look at yourselves in the mirror. You’ll see the number one enemy to peace and democracy in Namibia.Congratulations * I WOULD like to thank the Brave Warriors for a job well done. We are proud of you guys. – Diouf, Otjiwarongo * CONGRATULATIONS to the Brave Warriors, their coaches and players for a job well done, as they booked us to Ghana 2008. – Dictator, Walvis Bay * PRAISE be to the BRAVE WARRIORS! They did it! They won Ethiopia away. l have confidence our boys can go far. Keep it up boys. Good luck to Muna Katupose. – Jaki Rutz, Opuwo Thank you * PRAISE to Honourable Naruseb for rescuing a situation that might have caused a big security risk or most Windhoek businesses. The security industry is milking the retail business and home owners, so they should just get their act together and pay decent salaries to their employees.* BISHOP Kameeta, you are a caring father. You are there for poor, you are a great man, you are a true father of the nation. God bless you.* VERY BIG thanks to the NBC for broadcasting the GARDENER’S DAUGHTER omnibus on Saturdays. Can anyone help? * I’M looking for a very best friend of mine. Her name is LOUISE KAFITA she used to go to school at Grootfontein High School. Anyone who knows where I can contact her please give me a call or SMS me her contact details.(0812289104) Politics in general * NAMIBIANS, young and old, please if you can afford it, go to CNA and buy yourself a copy of ‘Capitalist Nigger’ by Chika Onyeani. Read it and pass it on. The book, ‘Capitalist Nigger’, is a must, mainly in this time where politicians don’t really make a difference between a company, private enterprise and a country.* SWAPO Government’s Vision 2030 track record is non-existent – it is only in their minds. We don’t see leadership qualities. Our people, after 17 years we still live in poverty. With you in power Namibians don’t have hope for a better future.* The ICC does not only deal with cases post-2002. Milosevich committed acts of genocide during the Yugoslavia civil war and was taken to Hague where he committed suicide.* AS far as some of us recall, Swapo President, Sam Nujoma immediately after returning from exile announced that his movement was extending a hand of friendship to those his movement might have wronged. Now, what else do some people want Sam Nujoma to do? * WHEN Shixwameni and Ulenga left Swapo, they said it was because of infighting for power in the party. Now I wonder what the hell are the two doing with their party. Shixwameni and his sympathisers must know that when Ulenga formed his party they where not there. Let them leave Ulenga and his party alone and form their own party! * PLEASE Mr President, can the Government please issue me a one way ticket. I want to go to Germany, but I don’t have money. – Shuumbwa, Karasburg * WHY is it that most of the people want Dr Nujoma to quit politics? 80% in Parliament were in exile with him or let me say they are all ‘Swapo gurus’. So let Nujoma be there with others! * TO the politicians and other Government officials! Please stop the nonsense you’re busy with and start serving the nation! We are tired of you always referring to the past. We want to hear about job opportunities and other developments. – Sam Strongmen Hinamunhu Big issues * I WOULD like to respond to the SMS stating BB is porn.What do you call it when people whip out their private parts in public and urinate on the side walk… “tradition?” or when they take a dump in public … “culture”? At least you can choose to watch BB or not and our kids are not exposed to the show unless u allow it. With BB we get a choice… With public “dumpers” we have no choice or control …* IF Meryl was a Damara-Nama, what would Oshiwambos say. I watch BBA 18 hours a day and I always see her in underwear. Oshiwambos say something. (I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, we are all Namibians. It doesn’t matter whether Meryl is Oshi-speaking or not. We should be proud of our various cultures, but not use tribalism as a divisive factor. On Meryl, I do not watch BBA 24 hours a day, but do check it out now and again. I have rarely seen Meryl in underwear. I have seen her in casual shorts and I have seen her in sleep shorts. While you may not like the way Meryl dresses, you should really try and take a look at her positive qualities. She has many. – News Editor) * NBC, please show us BIG BROTHER AFRICA. That’s why we pay for our TV licence 2007-2008.* BIG Brother, please NBC. Everyone’s talking about it. I feel left out.General * IS it true that unemployment, hunger, poverty, income disparity are active ingredients for social unrest? * THE ACC should please go and investigate the appointments and salary scales and gradings of RCC’s top management.* MR Barry Rukoro, acting SG of the NFA, promised the nation on ONE AFRICA TV that the NPL is going to start on September 1. We are entering the second week of the month and all is quiet. Who’s fooling who? – Pack, Windhoek * WHY are orphans who do not have both parents not getting assistance from the Government? If I am short of information, how should one go about this? In my opinion these are the most vulnerable children compared to those who are surviving with one parent. Some families (like mine) have many orphans who are at secondary schools and universities.* THANK you Mr. Karuuombe for your effort in defence of the Herero Mall. For Mr Hengari, please do some research and consultation before arriving at conclusions. Think about poor people who are trying to make a living at the Mall. It doesn’t mean that if you’re well off the others are too. So please do us a favour and keep your comments to yourself until such a time that you realise what the Mall’s purpose is. – N.M., Windhoek * THE unions of Namibia are very weak, how can they say they have come to an agreement if they only add 50 cents from N$2,50 to make N$3. That money is too little to put enough food on the table.* LITERACY promoters in the Ohangwena Region have not been paid since April this year. They are part and parcel of the Ministry of Education. This problem has been going on since 2001 to date and never received any attention at all. Can the Director of Education of the Ohangwena Region tell us what the problem is? * NBC is boring, not entertaining and certainly not worth wasting my time on. Why should we pay for a TV licence to watch eight hours of news every day. I get my news from The Namibian. Do our ministers and president even watch that crap?

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