Big Brother Africa 4: I believe in Father Christmas, do too!

Big Brother Africa 4: I believe in Father Christmas, do too!

EISH peeps, I’m as stuffed as a ballot box … oops, I mean a Christmas turkey!

Don’t know about you but I demand a recount of the BBA votes. I have no beef with Nigeria’s Kevin winning, but I really cannot believe that Eddie only won Namibia’s vote.I think we need to call in the Electoral Commission of Namibia. They may take longer to count the votes, but we might just get a different result … But hey, congratulations to Kevin for being named the winner. Whatever critics may say about 50 Naira – now 50+30mil Naira! – he worked it. He was always on his game … well when he wasn’t on Elizabeth, or making eye contact with the mirrors.Truly though, I’ve never encountered a BBA housemate who took their mission of performing for the masses so seriously, or who took performance anxiety to such heights.I mean, even after his wannabe house squeeze Elizabeth (she of Tanzania) was evicted he checked his own tears in the mirror to see if they were real enough. That’s what I call commitment.Now 50+30mil Naira too – like (former US president) George W Bush – can stand on a deck somewhere, anywhere, and announce ‘Mission Accomplished’.No point in beating around the bush here, seems Kev has a thing for US presidents.When asked by Naija host IK how he felt about winning, 50+30mil Naira replied ‘I feel like Obama!’I kid you not! And believe me, Kevin’s not kidding either. He contorts but he does not kid.’I’M YOURS!’Annnnnnnyway, 50+30mil Naira shed tears and proclaimed that he thought ‘Africa’ had chosen him as the winner because he was born for TV. ‘I was made for this,’ he told ‘Africa’ from the stage.All I can say is hai kona: 50+30mil Naira is not one size fits all, coz he sure wasn’t made for my TV screen … maybe because it’s not one of those 4-to-the-19 numbers. I respect – I so respect that I’m dancing on my desk doing Aretha Franklin’s R-E-S-P-E-C-T at full blast – that for thousands of viewers 50+30mil Naira was the epitome (pronounced: ehhh-pity-me) of entertainment.Yip, as it was written in the beginning, and as it shall be written at the end, the preordained has come to pass.The Kevinsgate cult has ascended to Kevin heaven and all is well on Earth and in … uhmmmm … some other parallel universe.And if you voted for 50+30mil Naira be of good heart and fear not! The blind shall see, the deaf shall hear and the lame shall walk again.And no, no, no … it’s not me trying to be funny; this is directly from proclamations by Kevinsgate cult members on the BBA TV text strip: ‘if you vote Kelvin … you will be cured …’.Wonder if it’ll also boost the Super Eagles’ 2010 chances? I deviate. Seriously. Just like a Beckham free kick. The moment belongs to Kevin! Let’s give kudos where it’s due.See you round. The Somali pirates are calling and I dare not put them on hold …

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