Open Letter to Namibia on Nujoma’s Health

Sam Nujoma

I am writing in my personal capacity, because I felt so touched by what transpired recently within our social media circles concerning the health of our founding president, Sam Nujoma.

It is cruel to spread rumours about the passing of the founding father.

Such evil words can only be spread by individuals who need psychological assistance to develop a conscience.

It is absurd and out of sync with our traditional norms and values as Africans and pan-Africans.

The founding president played a pivotal role in coordinating the activities and strategies that brought independence to this beautiful country.

His efforts and resilience cannot be underestimated. He shaped the statehood of this nation together with other gallant cadres who sacrificed their lives, efforts and resources for this worthy and noble cause.

Those who have participated in our liberation struggle need no introduction to Nujoma.

He is the most respected political figure of our time.

His age of 95 is a great blessing – not only to him and his family, but to the nation and Africa as a whole.

His political stature can only be matched to that of Nelson Mandela, Robert Mugabe, Augustino Neto, Kenneth Kaunda, Samora Machel, Kamuzu Banda, Julius Nyerere, Jomo Kenyatta, Patrice Lumumba, Haile Selassie, Kwame Nkrumah, Thomas Sankara and others – sons of the African soil who fought for the self-determination of their countries.

This blessing of Nujoma being advanced in age does not warrant anyone to predict his time here on earth or his death.

Instead, when we hear of his illness, we must pray with fervency, remembering him for what he did for us as a nation.

I urge all Namibians to be grateful to God for giving our leader such a long life of greatness.

The fruits of independence we are enjoying today, as well as our glorious future are thanks to the sacrifices of those who have shunned the spirit of fear and fought those who oppressed us for more than a century.

May it be borne in the minds and hearts of all Namibians that our nation will never be a slave to imperialism again.

From now on we shall live in solidarity with one another and build our nation to be the state we desire it to be.

May the Lord bless the Land of the Brave.

McDavid Meroro

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