PDM to object to Ren-Form ballot tender

Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) leader McHenry Venaani says the party will object to the Electoral Commission of Namibia’s (ECN) decision to award a ballot tender to the South African company, Ren-Form.

Ren-Form rose to infamy after journalists, activists and politicians dug up dirt on the company, primarily involving an invoice inflation scandal in Zimbabwe valued at N$570 million.

“We have a strong objection to allowing companies that are controversial to print the ballots. That is why we are asking for a fair tender process,” Venaani said on Friday.

Venaani also bemoaned the exclusion of Namibian companies from the procurement process.

Ren-Form used the controversial socialite and businessman, Wicknell Chivayo, who has strong Zanu-PF links, as an agent in the Zimbabwean election.

An investigation by Zimbabwean news outlet, The NewsHawks, reports that ahead of Zimbabwean elections Ren-Form invoiced the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission R23 million for a server that normally costs R90 000.

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