Venaani promises to prioritise water supply

Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) president McHenry Venaani has pledged to prioritise water provision for all Namibians if his party is elected to power.

Speaking at a rally held by the PDM at Walvis Bay on Saturday, Venaani emphasised that no Namibian, especially those living in coastal areas, should still be suffering from water scarcity.

“This government is not serious. I have visited settlements in the Erongo region, including villages like Spitzkoppe, Okombahe, Tubuses and Otjimbingwe. People there have no water. They are poor. They ask why they should vote for leaders who can’t provide water when they live close to the sea,” Venaani said.

“Look at Israel and Egypt—how they’ve developed using the Nile. Morocco, too, is a desert, yet it is green. They have used water technology to transform their lives. Israel is a net exporter of food, and Egypt feeds over 200 million people with Nile water in the desert. Namibia has the sea, yet people are dying of hunger.”

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