The Oshakati Town Council is currently piloting the use of prepaid water meters in some parts of the town.
The aim is to determine the meters’ effectiveness before rolling the project out to the rest of Oshakati.
Oshakati mayor Leonard Hango announced this during the election of office-bearers at the town on Thursday.
“At the same time we’re also busy with the construction of bulk water services at Ompumbu township and the construction of stormwater channels at town,” he said.
The town council has allocated about N$1 million to introduce a prepaid water system during the current financial year.
Over the years, residents have been up in arms about high water bills, demanding prepaid meters.
Hango said land and affordable housing has been a cornerstone of Oshakati’s agenda, as well as formalising its informal settlements.
This continues to be the planning and properties department’s core project, he said.
“I am proud of the progress we have made . . . In the process, we are also relocating some informal settlements that did not fit our town planning scheme, e.g the relocation of Oshoopala informal settlement to the Onawa reception area.
“To date, about 201 structures or households have been relocated from Oshoopala Onawa, and we are still continuing until we reach our objective,” he said.
Hango said the Oshakati landfill site is 100% completed and fenced off, while the construction of the weighbridge has been completed.
“These achievements were made possible through collaboration, dedication, and the resilience of our honourable councillors, the management and staff of Oshakati, and, most importantly, the residents and community of Oshakati.
“Hence, as we look ahead, I want to emphasise the importance of participating in our upcoming National Assembly and presidential elections.
“Let us fulfil our civic duty and exercise our right to vote. These elections determine the direction of our country, and every vote counts. Make your voice heard,” he said.
The political office-bearer re-election took place at the town’s civic centre, and was presided over by magistrate Mozay Jansen.
Hango retained his position as mayor, deputised by Puyeipawa Elifas.
Hofeni Mutota was elected as the chairperson of the management committee, while Ruusa Frans and Maria Mutumbulwa were elected as members of the management committee.
Jerobeam Ndaamohamba and Pinehas Aludhilu will serve as ordinary council members.
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