‘Against all odds’

DEFYING ODDS … The two love birds (Sakaria Ferdinand and Andele Albina) who lost their wed- ding rings refuse to let their love die and vow to fight on for their big day.

…Theft won’t stop wedding, says couple

An Eenhana couple whose wedding outfits and rings were stolen by unknown thieves last week says their nuptials will go ahead as planned.

Thieves allegedly broke into the shack the couple share at Een­hana’s Palasa location, stealing various items they purchased in preparation for their wedding.

The couple, Sakaria Ferdinand and Andele Albina (36), had planned to wed on 30 and 31 August at their home villages of Okaku in the Oshana region and Okambode in the Ohangwena region.

They say tradition does not allow weddings that are already planned to be cancelled or postponed.

Albina says she and Ferdinand have been left aggrieved by the situation after working hard to save money for their big day.

“We have been together for seven years and we decided to set the date for our wedding this year. I am unemployed and earn a living as a vegetable vendor, while Ferdinand is employed as a security guard.

“We really saved for the day and it’s bad to have our things stolen. What kind of bad luck is that?”

Albina says they are further discouraged by the negative comments circulating on social media by some people who claim the couple made up the theft in order to get the public to finance their wedding.

“There are people who are spreading rumours on social media. Some are even saying that our things have been recovered, but that is not true. People tend to be mean and negative when they are not the ones going through the situations facing others,” she adds.

Meanwhile, Namibians touched by the couple’s plight have created a WhatsApp contribution group to assist them with wedding preparations. Some good Samaritans have donated a wedding gown, shoes and a suit for the groom, as well as money, among other things.

“We have heard of the contributions being made for our wedding and we are very grateful. It’s really touching to see how people can be so sympathetic,” says Ferdinand.

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