Amushelelo released from custody

Michael Amushelelo

Social activist and Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF) member Michael Amushelelo has been released from police custody.

Amushelelo’s lawyer, Kadhila Amoomo, announced this on social media on Monday night.

Amoomo says his client is innocent till proven guilty.

On Monday he said Amushelelo’s arrest was part of a political witch-hunt as he is not a flight risk.

“If he has violated any court order, he can simply be summoned to court. They rather waste state resources by behaving like the bodyguards of foreign-owned businesses who are exploiting the labour of our people,” he said.

Amushelelo was detained at Oshakati Police Station on Monday in connection with a protest of 84 Rani Group of Companies employees last year.

Businessman Ali Dharani of Rani Group of Companies has said he would have lost up to N$8 million per day if his shops were shut down during the festive season.

Dharani owns 40 shops countrywide, providing employment to 3 000 people.

“He has failed to adhere to the court order dated 22 December 2022, following the letter served on 19 December last year,” Dharani has said.

The court order prohibits Amushelelo and NEFF members or supporters from coming within 200m of any of the retail group’s premises.

Amushelelo failed to adhere to the court order when he was seen at a shop at Ekuku at Oshakati on Monday morning

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