Are School Uniforms Helping or Hindering?

The debate on whether school uniforms should be worn or not has been going on for some time. Some schools across the country are adamant that pupils should wear school uniform because it makes everyone seem more presentable and equal.

They argue that a uniform has many pros as it raises the school’s pride, reduces peer pressure, assists in discipline problems and gears focus more towards learning. It also creates a more work-like atmosphere and leads to less distractions. However, some pupils argue and say that school uniform limits them from expressing themselves as individuals.

The YouthPaper sat down with the principal of Academia Secondary School, Hermann Rust, to find out why wearing a uniform is important and if it in any way limits pupils from expressing themselves through what they wear.

“Wearing a school uniform is very important because it gives a sense of unity amongst school go-ers. It shows neatness and gives a form of identification. If a pupil from our school faints in town, people can phone us and we can rush to that particular person. A uniform teaches them discipline because it’s a must for everyone to tuck in their shirts and to look presentable at all times.”

Hermann also said that financially it’s much cheaper for pupils to wear a school uniform. “Look at the price of a pair of Levi jeans compared to a uniform. Pupils focus more on academics when they are not worrying or competing on who has the best clothes,” he said.

“Pupils are only in school for eight hours, so after that they can go and wear what they want and to express themselves through what they want to wear. It’s the same thing for police officers and cabin crew members. They all wear uniform as a form of identification,” he concluded.

However, despite there being many positives when it comes to wearing school uniform, Quinton Awaseb, a Grade 10 pupil at Concordia Secondary School, said that he feels like school-going pupils should wear whatever they want to school.

“I just feel like school uniforms limit one from wearing what they want. Sometimes I want to wear clothes that make me comfortable and that are important to me but I can’t because it’s not allowed. That’s also the same with hairstyles. I’m a guy who likes to look good but we are limited from what to put on our bodies.

“People think we perform better when we wear a uniform but that’s not the case. If you want to study, you will, whether you are in uniform or not,” said Quinton.

Another Grade 11 pupil from Windhoek Technical High school, Shadae Naobes, disagreed and said that wearing a uniform shows were they attend school and that all school go-ers should be proud of their school colours.

“I enjoy wearing my school uniform. I don’t want to wake up every day and stress about what to wear and I enjoy the fact that our uniform distinguishes each and everyone of us,” she said. With that said, we have a list of pros and cons as to why wearing a neat and presentable school uniform is important and what not being allowed to wear one does to young people.

Pros of School Uniform

Increases Self-Esteem

Pupils do not have to participate in what some would call the ‘school fashion show’. Dressing alike helps them learn that what really counts is on the inside.

Makes Schools Safer

Uniforms increase school safety. Uniforms allow staff to quickly identify people who do not belong to the school and limit the ways that gangs can identify themselves.

Creates a Positive Environment

When all pupils are dressed alike, economic and social barriers between pupisl are reduced. There is no peer pressure to wear expensive clothes or bullying those who can’t afford designer labels. There is one less distraction as they do not have to concern themselves with what others are wearing.

Academic Achievement

School uniform increases academic achievement as pupils focus more on achieving good grades than on what to wear and what they look like.

No Self-Expression

Pupils miss out on self-expression, something that is considered very important in a social environment. They may be less likely to develop an interest in clothes if they have to dress the same as everyone else.

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