Paul Burkhardt

Paul Burkhardt

Antony Sguazzin

Antony Sguazzin

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Namibia gets ready to become new oil hotspot

Off a busy pier in Namibia’s main port of Walvis Bay, the seeds of an economic boom are being planted. As workers heave fish from boats, or unload cargoes of sulfur and Congolese copper, a massive cylindrical drilling segment is…

Antony Sguazzin

SABMiller to use African crops

SABMILLER plans to grab some of sub-Saharan Africa’s US$3 billion (N$24 billion) home-brew market with cheaper beers made from domestic crops such as sorghum and cassava.The brewer is enlisting 55 000 local farmers to produce grains by 2012. ‘Beer is…

Antony Sguazzin