Shaun Whittaker

Shaun Whittaker

Harry Boesak

Harry Boesak

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Too Essential to Fail?

The Namibian government intends to borrow almost N$13 billion to cover the national budget shortfall. What is missing from the public discourse, however, is that this borrowing is happening within the neoliberal economic agenda which is only one approach among…

Harry Boesak

Price Controls on Essential Goods?

As we prepare to mark Workers’ Day tomorrow, it is imperative to say that 42% of Namibians are undernourished, while there has been a 32% increase in millionaires over the past 10 years. The country is burdened with an economic…

Harry Boesak

Price Controls on Essential Goods?

On the occasion of May Day 2024, it is imperative to say that 42% of Namibians are undernourished, while there has been a 32% increase in millionaires over the past 10 years. The country is burdened with an economic system…

Harry Boesak