Job Angula

Job Angula

Thomas Hamata

Thomas Hamata

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Five Gaps To Close in Your Vendor Risk Assessments

IN a previous article titled ‘Third Party Risk: Your Hidden Security Blindspot’, we unpacked third-party business relationships and the unseen perils they can introduce to a business.  In recent months, we have observed a noticeable shift occurring among local organisations…

Job Angula

Exploring the Role of the Comprador Bourgeoisie in Economic Dynamics

The concept of the compradorial bourgeoisie, or ‘comprador bourgeoisie’, refers to a class of local business people in semi-colonial or dependent countries. They are individuals who align themselves economically and politically with foreign interests, rather than national or local interests.…

Job Angula

Third Party Risk: YourHidden Security Blindspot

In december 2022, Uber, the global ride-sharing titan, disclosed a third-party data breach after cyber attackers leaked email addresses of Uber employees, along with details on IT assets and corporate reports, through an online post. The attackers executed the breach via…

Job Angula