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Mukuru uaKaparua– Telecom Hacked?

Namibia woke up to a nightmare: Telecom Namibia, our national telecommunications provider, got hacked. Does this government now believe us when we say we don’t trust these companies with our information? Do the authorities now understand why we refused to…


A New Era For Namibia: Serious Changes Coming

I told you things were going to change with a female president. As expected, the nation has already started sketching a new logo for the Office of the First Lady of Namibia. Although first gentleman of Namibia seemed like a…


A Festival of Incompetence

In Namibia, defending incompetence and mediocrity has evolved from an occasional lapse into a cultural trademark we now wear with misplaced pride. At this point, nobody dares call out the flop of another because, well, tomorrow it may be you.…


Get Mommy a New Dzadzy or Keep the Current Dzadzy?

The great Namibian decision is upon us and we shall exercise all our powers as promised in the Constitution. But the problem is that this is also ‘The Great Namibian Excuse season’ where we come up with all kinds of…


Namibia’s Hardest Hangover

The other day I woke up from a 30-year sleepy hangover after liberation, only to find ourselves still wearing last night’s party clothes – the ‘meneer’ and ‘mevrou’ outfits with matching ‘Christian Names’. Let’s explore the amusing madness that is…


Do They Know What ‘We Can’t Afford’ Means?

Namibians have had it with these skyrocketing electricity prices! It’s like NamPower and its main squeeze, the Electricity Control Board (ECB), think Namibians are made of money. Do they imagine we’re joking when we say, “Haai man, we’re broke?” It’s…


Spin or Strategy?

So, this week we will dissect the gift Michael Amushelelo has given Namibian voters by saying his move from the Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters to the Landless People’s Movement was part of a grand plan. Was this tactical genius or…


The Silent Shadows: Part II

The air was thick with anticipation. The task force, led by captain Amutenya, had finally caught a break. A tip-off had come in from a reliable source – a farmer who swore he had seen masked figures moving through the…


A Nation of Copycats

A long time ago, in junior secondary school, I had a classmate who copied everything from me, to the point that he failed a grade. Well, it turns out he even copied my name in one history exam. I grew…


The Silent Shadows

In this fictional tale, the young man who was charged with the brutal rape of his own grandmother was abducted from police custody by what appears to be an all-female vigilante group in the north. The incident took place on…
