Selma Iyambo

Selma Iyambo

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Procurement board is independent, finance ministry says

The Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises says the Central Procurement Board of Namibia (CPBN) operates as an independent institution without undue influence from the ministry or Cabinet.Finance ministry spokesperson Wilson Ashikoto said this in response to a Procurement Tracker…

Selma Iyambo

Cabinet flagged for influencing procurement board appointments

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) says the Cabinet should not be involved in the appointment of the Central Procurement Board of Namibia (CPBN) chief executive officer (CEO). IPPR researcher Frederico Links says the recent appointment process for the…

Selma Iyambo

Teen with intellectual disability raped

Omusati police regional commander Ismael Basson says a 17-year-old girl with an intellectual disability was raped on Friday. The incident took place in the night after the suspect went into a room with the victim at Ruacana Constituency in the…

Selma Iyambo

Information ministry needs sponsors for ICT summit

Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) spokesperson Shoki Kandjimi is inviting sponsors to join the eighth national ICT summit. Kandjimi announced this in a statement released yesterday. The ministry is planning to host a sponsorship breakfast at FÜrstenhof Protea…

Selma Iyambo

#BeFree announces community campus at Windhoek settlement

The #BeFree Youth Campus will soon be building a community campus at Kilimanjaro informal settlement to serve the Tobias Hainyeko constituency. This was announced by One Economy Foundation project manager Saddam Biwa on Saturday. He was speaking at the #BeFree…

Selma Iyambo

Brother kills brother, sister kills sister

A fight between two brothers at Leonardville on Friday resulted in the death of one of them after he was hit by an iron bar. “It is alleged that the deceased, Piet Namseb, died on the spot,” police spokesperson Kauna…

Selma Iyambo

Three alleged suicides reported on Friday

Police spokesperson Kauna Shikwambi says they have recorded three apparent cases of suicide at Otavi, Eenhana and Okahao on Friday. This is according to the weekend crime report. Van Petrus (28) died due a self-inflicted gunshot wound at Otavi. Valde…

Selma Iyambo

Minor raped over the weekend

A 13-year-old female was allegedly raped by her counsin at Okahwakakahungu village, says police spokesperson Kauna Shikwambi in the weekend crime report. The minor and the victim both live in the same house.

Selma Iyambo

Khomas the violence hotspot

The Khomas region has recorded the highest number of gender-based violence (GBV) cases, with 3 302 reported between January 2020 and December 2023. The region is followed by the Ohangwena region with 1 807 cases, the Hardap region with 1…

Selma Iyambo

Law society awards 2024 bursary recipients 

The Law Society of Namibia and the Legal Practitioners Fidelity Fund (LPFF) on Thursday morning announced six bursary recipients for the 2024 academic year. Ten candidates were initially considered but only six met the necessary criteria. The announcement was made…

Selma Iyambo

‘GBV a major national concern’

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a major national issue rooted in gender inequality and involves one person believing they have power over another, #BeFree Youth Campus senior social worker Pefimbo Shipunda said on Wednesday.“All of us need to challenge the status…

Selma Iyambo

Namibia confronts rising online child sexual exploitation

In Africa, about a fifth of children under the age of 17 have experienced unsolicited requests to talk about sex online. This was revealed by the African Child Policy Forum (ACPF) and Child Fund in a report titled ‘Shocking Rise…

Selma Iyambo