‘Beauty Is Far More Than Your Size’

Mareli Snyman

From 150 to 72kg: Miss Plus Size talks about her weight loss journey

Reigning Miss Plus Size Namibia 2022 Mareli Snyman is a testament to the idea that beauty transcends physi- cal appearance.

“Beauty is far more than your size,” Snyman says.

At the peak of her pageant journey, Snyman was at her heavi- est, weighing 150kg and facing health challenges.

Despite the pride she felt in representing plus-size women, she knew her health was in jeopardy.

“At that time, I was happy, but my overall health was in unbe- lievably bad condition. I was admitted to the hospital frequently, for all sorts of problems,” she says.

Snyman embarked on a weight loss journey, shedding 78kg, and is now weighing 72kg.

“The main reason behind my weight loss was not because of beauty standards or misconceptions, it was purely because I was unhealthy and that influenced my work and daily life significantly,” she says.

She explains that losing weight was part of her broader plan to become a better person, focusing on her men-
tal health and deepening her relationship with God.

“This process changed me, inside and out. I realised that one’s physical ‘looks’ do not matter, but your health does. So, I am not ‘plus size’ anymore, but I realised that beauty is far more than your size,” she says.

She found new energy and strength in her journey, enabling her to perform her demanding job without the previous physical pain.

Crowned in 2022, Snyman has since used her title to inspire and uplift Namibian women, advocating for self- love, mental health and holistic well-being.

She says since her crowning as Miss Plus Size, she has tried to empower women to believe in themselves and also used her platform to combat stigma against bariatric surgery.

Bariatric surgery is a type of surgery that helps people lose weight by making changes to their digestive system.

“For most people, bariatric surgery is seen as ‘the easy way out’ and that misconception was the biggest chal- lenge I had to face and change. My life has significantly changed since I lost 78 kg from 150 kg. I have been able to work on my fitness, cardiovascular health and strength without dying each time,” she says.

Snyman says she is at the best place she has ever been in her life, and if it were not for Miss Plus Size Namibia, she would never have had the motivation to change and be a role model to those struggling with accepting themselves.

“Most people would say I do not deserve my title anymore because I am not plus size anymore, but that is the misconception most people will have. I would like to challenge each individual that is struggling with self-worth issues or lack of self-confidence to push their boundaries and strive to become the best version of themselves,” she says.

Snyman says beauty comes from being healthy and content with oneself.

Snyman, who is a registered nurse and currently busy with a postgraduate diploma in advanced wound care, says when you are genuinely happy and healthy, you are able to give the world the best version of yourself.

“I have a profound love for wound care and helping people with their daily struggle of non-healing wounds. I would say the main benefit of being Miss Plus Size Namibia is the platform I have to show people what it means to be genuinely happy and healthy,” she says.

Snyman says once you listen to your body and focus on what it needs, your life will change significantly.

She did not realise the impact and influence she would have on the younger generation and plus-size Namibian women, Snyman says.
“I feel honoured to have the title of Miss Plus Size Namibia for 2 years now. This title did not only empower me to stand up for mental health awareness in plus-size women, but for all of them to realise their worth in society,” she says. Snyman says although she stands for empowering plus-size women, she also stands for overall health, which includes mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health.

“The day I was crowned Miss Plus Size Namibia 2022, I was the biggest I have ever been in my entire life. I did not enter the compe- tition to highlight beauty from the outside, but to show Namibia, and the world for that matter, that you can achieve massive things in life once you put yourself first and believe in yourself,” she says.

– UnWrap.Online

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