Beverly Kaposiao goes digital

Beverley Kaposiao. Photo: Contributed

Former traditional fashion designer and businesswoman Beverly Kaposiao has decided to re-look her approach to the fashion design industry after observing a significant decline in business activities post Covid-19.

Speaking to The Namibian recently, Kaposiao described her transition from the traditional way of doing things to the digital world as a move that aligns with the current times.

“Everything has gone digital, online shopping is now trending,” she said.

Kaposiao, who has been in the fashion industry for over 15 years, said it was essential to change the way she ran her business.

The transition opened doors to the international market, she added.

“The goals were to bring in local business and tap into the international market.”

Kaposioa said her journey has had its fair share of trials and challenges.

“This transition comes with challenges, such as coordinating between different time zones and dealing with payment methods that our banking system does not accommodate.”

Kaposiao, who is passionate about information sharing, said as she continues with her online work and projects, she aims to take on community-based projects that are impactful and help transfer skills and knowledge.

“I am currently contracted by the Okakarara Vocational Training Centre (OVTC) to assist in setting up and running a production unit for their clothing production students,” she said.

Part of her work with the OVTC aims to address some of the challenges faced by students, including finding placement for internship opportunities.

“The production unit will help meet this need and equip students with industry-relevant skills, enabling them to enter the job market smoothly or start their own businesses,” Kaposiao said.


After graduating from Cape Town Design School in 2006, Kaposiao started her own business, which she ran on a full-time basis for four years.

“I handled everything from designing and manufacturing to consulting on garment and textile-related projects,” Kaposiao said.

In 2011, Kaposiao landed a full-time job as a production manager at the then August 26 Garment and Textile Factory, now rebranded as August 26 Manufacturing.

“I was one of the pioneers who started the factory. Initially, it was just me and a few revamped sewing machines. Today, it is one of the country’s biggest garment manufacturing plants, employing over 100 people,” she said.

After the Covid-19 pandemic hit in 2019, Kaposiao stayed on board at her former place of employment for another two years before she revived her business, this time with a different approach.

“I realised I needed to move up a notch,” she said.

To adapt to the constantly changing business landscape and enhance her skills, Kaposiao travelled to London to refine her techniques and stay in step with the current fashion industry.

“I spent a few months shadowing a fashion business owner in Leeds, learning how swiftly she increased her revenue,” she said.

While overseas, she volunteered at various other business establishments, allowing her more exposure and on-the-job training.

Though this move was a costly one, Kaposiao says “it was worth it”.

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