Big Brother Africa: Namibia has left the building …

Big Brother Africa: Namibia has left the building …

MERYL didn’t ‘do it’ with Kwaku, she wasn’t surprised by who nominated her – except Code – and she thinks Bertha is probably one of the main players (I would say slyest!).

Our girl is out. But ever fly, and flying high! Loved the rock star reception the crowd outside the BBA house gave Meryl.She was mobbed at every turn.And she was all that: sassy, composed, eloquent, a vibrant smile and as entertaining as ever.All presence.Including that supersonic ‘aaaayeeeeah’ that puts the now defunct sound-barrier-breaking Concorde to shame! Sure, a few tears as she and Kwaku kissed farewell.But, that’s Meryl.Always in the moment.And, eish, a touching reunion with her Mum.In her interview with KB she was as generous about fellow housemates as we have come to expect.And she seemed genuinely shocked that people could even think that she and Kwaku had, well, you know …consummated their friendship.Meryl was nominated primarily because fellow housemates thought she was a strong contender.That’s the reality of this type of reality show.But as a reality TV fan, her eviction is an entertainment sin! Don’t people get it?!! SHE’S TAKING SEXY WITH And now? As far as I’m concerned, the show has lost its sexyback! As each housemate departs, the dynamic in the house changes, but Meryl’s departure will leave a humongous gap.If I was Biggie, I’d bring her back at some stage! Wouldn’t that be oh so SWEET.And OH SO wicked! It’s been done before (as far as I know).So c’mon Biggie.At least think about it! Wouldn’t it buzz up the continent.The three-way vote was always going to make it difficult for Meryl.There was the country and country-bloc factor.As JMan wrote on the BBA website after Sunday’s eviction: “I think the wrong people are watching this show.This is reality TV, not intended just to fill some poor person and country with mula ($) but to entertain …”And JMan again – on what he calls ‘the wrong viewers’: “They even peddle misinformation and claim that Meryl’s behaviour is unAfrican.As far as I can observe, there is everything African about Meryl.”You go girl.You were roots, you were ghetto-wise, but not necessarily Bertha-wise; you were MTV, you were Channel O! Of course, people either loved Meryl or hated her.As one of the most controversial housemates, there also appeared to be an orchestrated campaign by some ‘Meryl-dissers’ to get her out.According to the BBA website, social network and SMS strip, some BBA obsessive compulsives (who really, really need to get a life) announced they were putting up money and arranging with contacts and friends in other countries to send in block votes to get Meryl out at all costs! If they did, and how far they went, I don’t know.Whatever! And I would never repeat Meryl’s infamous ‘IF you hadn’t said please, I would have …’ comment to Justice to all those player haters out there! LIFE GOES ON At the end of the day it’s a game.Every week someone has to go! Life goes on.The world still turns.Still, in my view it was too early for Meryl to bow out.But, hell, did she represent! She was always herself – from start to finish.Comfortable in her own skin.Genuine and natural.Loud and proud! In your face and independent.And need I say that for thousands across the continent she rocked shower hour! Not only, shower hour, the viewing in general.She shook up viewers across Africa – some were unsettled, others watched in awe.But they were all rooted to the screen.SMS messages streamed in from people threatening to return their decoders, sell their TVs or switch off if Meryl was evicted! And on Sunday night, it wasn’t only Kwaku who was crying.The tears were flowing on the BBA website and SMS strip.Even many BBA peeps who said they hadn’t been a fan confessed they were sorry to see her go.Thanks for the fun, Meryl.You’re our girl.You and your Mum can be proud.What you see is what you get! Meryl has left the building …But ever fly, and flying high! Loved the rock star reception the crowd outside the BBA house gave Meryl.She was mobbed at every turn.And she was all that: sassy, composed, eloquent, a vibrant smile and as entertaining as ever.All presence.Including that supersonic ‘aaaayeeeeah’ that puts the now defunct sound-barrier-breaking Concorde to shame! Sure, a few tears as she and Kwaku kissed farewell.But, that’s Meryl.Always in the moment.And, eish, a touching reunion with her Mum.In her interview with KB she was as generous about fellow housemates as we have come to expect.And she seemed genuinely shocked that people could even think that she and Kwaku had, well, you know …consummated their friendship.Meryl was nominated primarily because fellow housemates thought she was a strong contender.That’s the reality of this type of reality show.But as a reality TV fan, her eviction is an entertainment sin! Don’t people get it?!! SHE’S TAKING SEXY WITH And now? As far as I’m concerned, the show has lost its sexyback! As each housemate departs, the dynamic in the house changes, but Meryl’s departure will leave a humongous gap.If I was Biggie, I’d bring her back at some stage! Wouldn’t that be oh so SWEET.And OH SO wicked! It’s been done before (as far as I know).So c’mon Biggie.At least think about it! Wouldn’t it buzz up the continent.The three-way vote was always going to make it difficult for Meryl.There was the country and country-bloc factor.As JMan wrote on the BBA website after Sunday’s eviction: “I think the wrong people are watching this show.This is reality TV, not intended just to fill some poor person and country with mula ($) but to entertain …”And JMan again – on what he calls ‘the wrong viewers’: “They even peddle misinformation and claim that Meryl’s behaviour is unAfrican.As far as I can observe, there is everything African about Meryl.”You go girl.You were roots, you were ghetto-wise, but not necessarily Bertha-wise; you were MTV, you were Channel O! Of course, people either loved Meryl or hated her.As one of the most controversial housemates, there also appeared to be an orchestrated campaign by some ‘Meryl-dissers’ to get her out.According to the BBA website, social network and SMS strip, some BBA obsessive compulsives (who really, really need to get a life) announced they were putting up money and arranging with contacts and friends in other countries to send in block votes to get Meryl out at all costs! If they did, and how far they went, I don’t know.Whatever! And I would never repeat Meryl’s infamous ‘IF you hadn’t said please, I would have …’ comment to Justice to all those player haters out there! LIFE GOES ON At the end of the day it’s a game.Every week someone has to go! Life goes on.The world still turns.Still, in my view it was too early for Meryl to bow out.But, hell, did she represent! She was always herself – from start to finish.Comfortable in her own skin.Genuine and natural.Loud and proud! In your face and independent.And need I say that for thousands across the continent she rocked shower hour! Not only, shower hour, the viewing in general.She shook up viewers across Africa – some were unsettled, others watched in awe.But they were all rooted to the screen.SMS messages streamed in from people threatening to return their decoders, sell their TVs or switch off if Meryl was evicted! And on Sunday night, it wasn’t only Kwaku who was crying.The tears were flowing on the BBA website and SMS strip.Even many BBA peeps who said they hadn’t been a fan confessed they were sorry to see her go.Thanks for the fun, Meryl.You’re our girl.You and your Mum can be proud.What you see is what you get! Meryl has left the building …

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