Body of Christ Party vows to uphold rights amid challenges

Body of Christ Party (BCP) vice president Victorina Shilongo says although the party’s journey has not been easy, they are determined to teach Christians their rights.

Shilongo was speaking during the launch of the party’s election manifesto at Ondangwa on Saturday.

She said BCP started by educating its supporters about the Namibian Constitution to enable them to understand it fully.

“We helped Christians understand the meaning of a secular state… This realisation became one of the main reasons that led us to establish our political party,” she said.

According to Shilongo, the BCP has witnessed Christians being denied the right to own land.

“BCP has come a long way, especially when we saw churches being demolished, Christians being denied the right to own land and rejected from practising their faith freely.”

According to Shilongo, Christians were also forced to remain silent and were not allowed to preach the word of God.

“This lack of justice for Christians deeply concerned us. In the face of such challenges, BCP felt compelled to stand and protect the rights of Christians,” she added.

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