Cabinet orders renewal of Meatco CEO’s contract

Mwilima Mushokabanji

The Cabinet has instructed the finance ministry to renew Meat Corporation of Namibia (Meatco) chief executive Mwilima Mushokabanji’s contract.

This comes after Meatco’s board of directors decided not to do so.

The Cabinet’s decision was taken lo Tuesday last week.

“Cabinet directs the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises to ensure that the board adheres to the resolutions of Cabinet decision and to further retract the non-renewal of the employment contract notice issued to the current Meatco CEO,” the Cabinet resolution says.

According to the resolution, the renewal of Mushokambanji’s contract was contrary to the Cabinet’s conditions for the approval of the Meatco board.

When approached for comment yesterday, Meatco board chairperson, Sakaria Ngikembua said he was not aware of the Cabinet’s directive and referred The Namibian to the finance ministry.

“Speak to the Ministry of Finance [and Public Enterprises]. I am not aware of the Cabinet resolution and the right person will be the finance ministry,” he said.

Mushokambanji declined to comment yesterday.

“This is above my authority. You should contact the chairperson of the Meatco board,” he said.

Finance ministry spokesperson Wilson Shikoto said Cabinet matters are vested with the Cabinet.
“We are therefore not able to comment on such matters,” he said.

Mushokambanji has been at Meatco since 2020.

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