Case withdrawn, no arrest warrant for Mukaratirwa

Cosmas Mukaratirwa

A lawyer acting for businessman Cosmas Mukaratirwa says a criminal case for the alleged supplying of unregistered medicine worth N$650 000 to the government’s Central Medical Stores in 2019 against him has been withdrawn.

Attorney Jamellee Janke, of Sisa Namandje Inc Sisa Namandje, also attached the court order to a letter sent to The Namibian yesterday, which said the reason the case was withdrawn in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court was because Mukaratirwa has not been served with the summons in the matter.

The charges had related to the contravention of Section 18(1) of the Medicine and Related Substance Control Act of 2003, as amended.
Janke said: “The case in question, the case was withdrawn, and no arrest warrant was issued …”

She also addressed the perception that Cospharm Investement Ltd (Pty), which Mukaratirwa co-owns with his child, had initially won a N$1,3 billion medical tender, saying that “new notices have been issued by the Central Procurement Board of Namibia which halved the quantities of items awarded in this bid”.

The tender for the supply of pharmaceutical medicine used in treating cancer and psychotic disorders is on hold due to court battles.

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