Communities urged to use suggestion boxes

THE Ohangwena regional governor has urged people to pass information and advice to the police about crimes in their areas through the use of suggestion boxes.

In a speech read on his behalf by his special adviser, Peter Nambundunga, at the unveiling of the police suggestion box initiative at Eenhana in Ohangwena region on Friday, Usko Nghaamwa said the efforts of the police to encourage public participation in combating crime over the years have culminated in the initiative to put up suggestion boxes throughout the country to motivate

the public to assist the police.

Citizens are requested to provide information on the whereabouts of criminals and the nature of crimes to the police by using the suggestion boxes.

These efforts, Nghaamwa said, have been motivated by the development of the first ever strategic plan in crime management for the police, which was launched in 2011 under the theme “ Striving for improving policing in partnership with communities”.

“In recognition that the police cannot be everywhere all the time due to limitations of manpower and technical resources, the time is now for all people in Ohangwena region and Eenhana town in collaboration with the police to curb the occurrence of crime, and I thank you that you came to witness the unveiling of your suggestion box, a testimony that you are embracing community policing and ensuring that the police and community should work together as equal partners,” Nghaamwa said.

He also commended the police for having initiated other community policing measures such as neighbourhood watch committees, the women and men network against crime as well as Youth Against Crime.

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