D-Jay releases visuals for ‘Rock with me’

MULTI-AWARD winning rapper Diogene 'D-Jay' Ochs recently released visuals for his latest single titled 'Rock with me'.

According to the rapper, the concept for the video was inspired by old school love.

“It's all about chilling with the chick in the park. It's just that the video is a bit more modern but it's that old school love, how we used to do it back in the day.”

“Meeting up with a girl in the park, talking, you know. Not these cell phone things that we are doing nowadays. So, that's basically how it was,” he says.

The 2008 and 2009 Sanlam/NBC Music Awards hip-hop artist of the year added that the recording process for the video had a sentimental touch, as it features his lady Augusta Carlos.

“We went down to Swakopmund to shoot the music video. The lady acting in the video is my 'wifey'. That's my baby mama.”

“On our way to Walvis Bay to visit our kids, we decided that instead of hiring other models let's just use her.”

“That's basically how it came about and it just came out a smash hit and it has been good ever since,” says the lyricist.

The video was shot by Optimistic Pictures at Swakopmund, where the two are pictured in romantic scenes, enjoying a laid back meal at a food truck and the beautiful view of the ocean.

He says the song, which was recorded and mastered by RUK, was inspired by a Freddie Jackson classic from yesteryear titled: 'Rock me tonight'.

“It's a song that my parents used to listen to. I grew up listening to the original.”

“I took what I grew up with and added a bit of spice to it and that is basically how I came up with it.”

The music video is available on D-Jay's YouTube channel: DJay Fav. Rapper.

The music video currently has over 6 200 views since it premiered on 24 June.


Photo: Contributed

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