Dienda ‘not interested’ in PDM positions

Elma Dienda

Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) chief whip Elma Dienda says she did not run for any leadership position in the party because she is not interested.

“I did not contest for any position,” Dienda told The Namibian on Tuesday, after the PDM announced its 40-member central committee list, with

Dienda’s name nowhere to be found, following its elective congress over the past weekend.

The list is topped by Benson Katjirijova, Maximalliant Katjimune, Inna Hengari, Johannes Martin, Rodman Katjaimo, Turipamue Kazenango and Hidipo Hamata.

“I am not interested. I am just an ordinary PDM member,” Dienda said.

She said there will be a press conference soon to announce her next move, but “for now I am only an ordinary PDM member”.

Dienda was chosen as the PDM’s chief whip in February last year. She replaced former PDM member Vipua Muharukua, with the party saying she stood unopposed.

PDM secretary general Manuel Ngaringombe says Dienda is still a member of the party’s management.

“Even if she’s not a member of the central committee, she’s a member of the management,” he said.

Ngaringombe said Dienda can still return to parliament next year if elected at the PDM’s upcoming electoral college.

“There is a common misconception that being on the central committee automatically means you have to be a member of parliament,” he said.

He said some central committee members are not parliamentarians, and some parliamentarians are not on the central committee.

Ngaringombe said Dienda, being the PDM’s chief whip, is required by the PDM’s new constitution to be a member of the party’s management committee.

“In this role, she represents the entire caucus within the committee,” he said.

Political analyst Rui Tyitende reckons that Dienda has two possibilities.

“Because she couldn’t secure the vice president position and felt betrayed after pouring her heart and hard work into the party, can it be that she will now resign as a member, or remain an ordinary member and retire?” he questioned.

He argued that Muharukua and former Landless People’s Movement deputy leader Henny Seibeb walked away from the party of which each was a senior member.

“Do we expect the same from Dienda?” he asked.

Tyitende believes for her to step out gracefully, she must remain a member of her party and retire to stand on principle.

The PDM elected 40 central committee members and 10 alternative members at an elective congress in the Zambezi region over the past weekend.

The other central committee members include Roberto Dirkse, Gabriel Augustus, Western Muharukua, Agatus Antanga, Nimrod Haraseb, Elizabeth Kastoor, Winnie Moongo, Yvette Araes, Vakamuina Kamutuezu, Lesley Gaseb Kazombaruru Kuzatjie, Kazeongere Tjeundo Mungirisa Zatjinda, Hilya Kamati, Matheus Nairenge, Guston Jeremy Wermann, Regina Kuhlman, Alfred Mathias, Gabriella Stadhauer, Magritha Wimmerth, Shivia !Aebes, Simon Shipanga, Felicia Motinga, Mbabi Lukas, Abiote Karunga, Esmeralda !Aebes, Anmire Garises, Gert Tjambiru, Ernest Muraranganda, Julius Moongo, Kudumo Sakeus, Valentinus Thinyemba and Helga Kaanjosa.

The alternative members are Sharon Guriras, Helena Nabot, Vallery Zeze, Fillipus Shikongo, Franco Kaura, Julita linane, Rosalia Shipindo, Mama Uakangonga Tjipikita, Melba Tjozongoro and Godfried Kuhanga.

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