ECN official claims unfair dismissal

A RETURNING officer employed by the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) alleges that he was relieved of his duties last week for no apparent reason.

Lukas Endjala was appointed as the returning officer for Etayi constituency in Omusati region for the period 28 September to 4 December 2020. However, he told that he was surprised when he received a letter from ECN’s chief electoral and referenda officer Theo Mujoro on Wednesday last week informing him that his contract has been terminated.

“It has come to the attention of this office that your performance fell below the expected standard of work for a returning officer. Kindly complete and sign the attendance register for any payments outstanding to you,” Mujoro wrote.

Endjala said his supervisor, Leonard Ndazapo, has been accusing him of reporting to work late and knocking off early, something he denies.

He told that Ndazapo summoned him to a disciplinary hearing at Outapi on 16 October to question him about his late-coming. According to Endjala, Ndazapo’s deputy, Hanna Akwenye, also attended the meeting.

Endjala claims that his supervisor is not being honest and he has no evidence.

“What evidence do they have that I came late. I asked them to tell me who told them that I come to work late…first they didn’t want to tell me. The next day they brought in Sophia Handobe, who is a Swapo district coordinator for Etayi as witness. This puzzled me,” he said.

Endjala questioned why Handobe, who is an active politician, was called to testify in an ECN-related matter.

“Even if it was true that I came late to work, who gave Handobe authorisation to report this to the ECN? How can they believe this lady, who is an active politician? What sin did I commit to deserve this? I feel victimised,” he complained.

Contacted for comment, Handobe initially said she was sent by Omusati Swapo regional coordinator Sacky Kayone to represent him at the hearing before she changed her story and said Ndazapo called her to the meeting.

“Ndazapo sent me there…I thought he was sent by my senior (my regional coordinator). Where did he get my number? Ndazapo called me to go and testify, I don’t know who authorised him.

“If Kayone was not on leave, I suppose he could have been the one to send me. I don’t know in which capacity Ndazapo told me to get information on what that child was doing there and in which [capacity] I was asked to go and testify. Ask Ndazapo,” she said.

He said he was also surprised that he was replaced the day after he was relieved of his duties.

Endjala asked how Lukas Gabriel, who replaced him, was recruited. He alleged that Gabriel is related to Akwenye.

Gabriel declined to comment on how he was recruited. He referred to Ndazapo.

Asked about his relationship with Akwenye, Gabriel said he is related to many people and could not understand why he was asked about Akwenye.

Ndazapo referred to the ECN headquarters. On how Gabriel was recruited, he said ECN in Omusati recommended his appointment.

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