ECN registers over half a million voters

The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) on Thursday announced it has registered 536 202 eligible voters in the country and at diplomatic missions abroad so far.

General voter registration for the November National Assembly and presidential elections is currently taking place at registration points countrywide and diplomatic missions abroad.

ECN chief electoral officer Peter Shaama says the figure of 536 202 represents an average of 28 211 registered voters per day from 17 to 22 June.

“The nation is hereby informed that the general registration of voters continues across the country and at all Namibian diplomatic missions abroad until 1 August 2024, Monday to Saturday from 08h00 to 19h00,” he said on Thursday.

Shaama said the Khomas region leads the process with 109 058 registered voters, followed by the Ohangwena region with 56 524 registered voters.

“The commission is therefore reminding and urging all eligible Namibian citizens who have not yet registered to do so as soon as possible,” he said.

The commission’s target is to register 1,5 million of the 1,7 million Namibians eligible to vote.

“We are not entirely satisfied with the turnout and the pace at which the process is going, but it’s promising. It gets busy at the registration points after 17h00, and we expect to register bigger numbers on Saturdays,” ECN spokesperson De Wet Siluka said last week.

Voter registration started on 3 June and will run until 1 August.

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