Eight green schemes fully used

The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform says eight of the country’s green schemes are currently operational.

These include the Etunda, Musese, Sikondo, the Orange River Irrigation Project (Orip), Shandikongoro, Hardap, Uvungu-Vhungu and Shadikongoro schemes.

The ministry says a total of 1 049ha are currently planted across all eight projects.

Speaking at a performance review workshop at Oshakati yesterday, ministry spokesperson Ndiyakupi Nghituwamata provided an update on the projects.

She said the Etunda project saw a successful maize harvest of 180ha, with an average yield of 8,7 tonnes per hectare.

“The project has so far planted 210ha of wheat to be harvested in October or November,” Nghituwamata said.

She said the Sikondo green scheme is harvesting 75ha and planting an additional 115ha of maize.

Musese’s small-scale farmers planted 90ha of maize.

Uvungu-Vhungu achieved a good yield of 7 tonnes per hectare on 80ha of maize and planted 94ha of wheat.

Shadikongoro harvested 72ha of maize, while wheat planting is on hold due to repairs.

The Hardap region is dedicating 80ha to lucerne cultivation, while Orip focuses on date production with 25ha and is ordering 60ha of grapevines for their small-scale farmers.

Lastly, Ndonga Linena successfully planted 60ha of maize and harvested 408,96 tonnes.

They also have 33ha of oats and 10ha of lucerne growing.

Nghituwamata further said the Kalimbeza rice project is currently awaiting a consultant for redesigning.

“Progress at the Kalimbeza rice project is that the evaluation for the appointment of the consultant to redesign Kalimbeza has been finalised and it’s due to be tabled to a parliamentary committee for discussion.

“Meanwhile, seeds and fertilisers have been ordered to plant 50ha of rice while the redesigning is ongoing,” Nghituwamata said.


Furthermore, Nghituwamata said Namibia has achieved a milestone in its quest for universal access to clean water, with an estimated 91,75% of households now having drinking water supply coverage during this financial year.

These include the construction of 12 new earth dams for water harvesting, strategically located in the Ohangwena, Oshana, Kavango West and Hardap regions.

The ministry has also built three new pipelines, rehabilitated existing water points and boreholes, connected private off-takes and drilled new boreholes.

Furthermore, 94 sanitation facilities were constructed across several regions.

“Progress on ongoing bulk water supply pipelines: The construction of the Onamatanga pipeline is at 55%, while the Okanguati-Ohamaremba is at 94%,” Nghituwamata said.

Oshana governor Elia Irimari, also speaking at the event, said for the first three months of the year, the region saw the construction of seven earth dams at a cost of N$7, 9 million and the region is expecting more infrastructure development during the current financial year.

“The rehabilitation process of the water canal between Oshakati and Ogongo has commenced and is progressing well and Ondangwa and Omutsegwonime have also commenced,” he said.

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