ELCRN pastor dies after road accident

A PASTOR from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia (ELCRN) died in the Katutura Intermediate Hospital on Saturday after sustaining serious injuries in an accident on the B1 road on Friday.

Patrick Jooste (45) was involved in an accident on Friday evening after he allegedly lost control of the minibus he was driving, resulting in the vehicle overturning and rolling several times some 17 kilometres south of Otjiwarongo at about 18h20.

In an interview with Nampa, Otjozondjupa police regional crime investigations coordinator, deputy commissioner Naukalemo Andreas said Jooste was transferred from Otjiwarongo to Windhoek, where he later died in the Katutura Hospital. ELCRN bishop Ernst //Gamxamub yesterday officially made the announcement on the church’s website and social media. Andreas said Jooste was driving from Okahandja towards Otjiwarongo, with seven passengers aged between 45 and 64. “All occupants sustained serious injuries, and were admitted to the Otjiwarongo State Hospital. They were later transferred to the Katutura Intermediate Hospital that same Friday evening,” he explained. Jooste’s next of kin have been informed of his death, and investigations into the matter continue.He was based at the Outjo parish at the time of his death.

-Additional reporting by Nampa

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