Environment ministry dehorns rhinos for conservation

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism conducted a dehorning operation on two rhinos at Etosha on Wednesday.

Environment minister Pohamba Shifeta said the measure is a crucial step towards combating poaching in the country.

“This operation is part of conservation, we are protecting rhinos from poaching because the poachers are looking for their horns,” said Shifeta.

PROTECTION … Environ- ment minister Pohamba Shifeta participates in the dehorning of rhinos in the Etosha National Park. This is meant to protect the en- dangered species against poaching.
Photo: Puyeipawa Nakashole

Although safe, the process is quite pricey, costing roughly N$18 000 to dehorn one rhino, he said.

“The exercise is very costly and as you can see we are using two helicopters, manpower, and so many more resources,” he said.
The ministry is looking to dehorn as many rhinos as possible because they sometimes fight and kill each other using their horns, said Shifeta.

He said it takes about four to five years for a rhino’s horn to fully grow back.

Shifeta said the ministry is looking into legal means to sell the horns to international communities, although he added that it has not been scientifically proven that rhino horn holds any curative properties.

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