First lady rejects political aspiration speculations

Monica Geingos

First Lady Monica Geingos has expressed her frustration and reiterated her firm stance on the ongoing speculation about her political aspirations.

Geingos addressed the issue after Voice of America White House correspondent Anita Powell speculated that she may have aspirations beyond her current role and could potentially run for a political position in the near future.

Powell made these comments in a recent interview following the United States first lady Jill Biden’s visit to Namibia in February.

“I would be willing to wager a bet that Monica Geingos will be appearing on a ballot very soon in the future, and that Joe Biden is quite aware of that. Her husband’s term ends in 2024, and I think there’s only one way to read the support that Jill Biden showed her politically, on this whirlwind tour of Namibia, which is that I think Monica Geingos has higher aspirations than being the first lady of Namibia. I think she wants the job on top,” said Powell.

While acknowledging the respect she has for Powell’s work as a credible journalist, Geingos expressed regret that Powell’s belief in her political capacity would not materialise, implying that the journalist would lose the bet she placed on her future ambitions.

“I have provided exhaustive answers to this question over a period of time, and it is aggravating that the personal and unsubstantiated opinion of an overseas-based journalist is enough to instigate local media, who have covered my sentiment that I am not interested in public office ad nauseum, to ask me a question on an issue I have been clear on,” said Geingos.

She highlighted the repetitive nature of media headlines surrounding this issue, which she finds tedious.

Geingos questioned why she continuously needs to respond to others’ thoughts and opinions about her future actions.

She emphasised her lack of interest in political office.

“No amount of speculation changes my long-held view,” she said.

Geingos stressed the importance of her articulated position and personal agency, emphasising that when she states she is not interested in public office, she means it.

“As flattering as it is that so many people, both in Namibia and overseas, believe I can be a politician, it is not my view. I have personal agency, and when I consistently say I am not interested in public office, I mean it,” said Geingos.

She asserted that the burden should not rest on her to dissuade the views of others, as she has not made any contradictory moves that would suggest a change in her stance.

Political analyst Ndumba Kamwanyah agrees with Powell’s assessment because of Geingos’ popularity both at home and abroad.

He said it is important to have such gravitas if one wants to throw their hat into politics.

“Monica quite often has injected herself into political issues, sometimes with strong pushback force against people criticising her husband’s policies. I will not be surprised if sometime in the near future, she decides to run for parliament and eventually try for the number one position,” he said.

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