First Namibia TVET Conference set for October

VIBRANT FIELD … A technical and vocational education and training student at the Namibia University of Science and Technology.

The first Namibia Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Conference is set to take place in Windhoek from 23-27 October.

The conference, an initiative of the Namibia University of Science and Technology (Nust) with support from GIZ, will see the launch of the TVET project, ProTVET III, which will be hosted under the theme, ‘Repositioning TVET as a Driver for Industrialisation in Namibia’.

According to senior Nust lecturer Leena Kloppers, the aim of the conference is to highlight the importance of TVET for the development of Namibia and to create a platform where different TVET stakeholders can come together, deliberate, network and present a wide range of perspectives, scholarships, and expertise in the pursuit of best practices in TVET.

“The discourse and networking will allow for ideas and interventions to come forth and be implemented to positively impact the country,” says Kloppers.

TVET plays a crucial role in preparing individuals for the workforce and aligning their skills with the evolving needs of industries, thereby promoting economic growth, innovation, and sustainable development, she says.

“To this end, the National Development Plans and, in particular, the revised TVET policy of Namibia seek to position TVET as a driver to develop the skilled and adaptable workforce needed by the country to foster innovation and contribute to its overall economic development,” says Kloppers.

The main objectives of the conference are to bring all the national TVET stakeholders together with the international TVET partners to network and debate on how TVET can leverage Namibia’s development, support and promote early career researchers in TVET, showcase innovative designs and products from the vocational training centres (VTCs) for technology transfer, and launch the first volume of the TVET Journal from the department of TVET at Nust.

Kloppers says the conference programme and line-up activities will include an official opening of the conference with a keynote address on the theme of the conference; papers related to the different sub-themes will be presented on the different days by local, regional and international keynote speakers; the public vocational training centres will showcase prototypes that have been developed on the merits of technology transfer, social innovation and entrepreneurship; there will also be the launch of the TVET Journal; and a gala dinner.

Invited guests to the conference will include officials from the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation (MHETI) and the Directorate of TVET.

The GIZ country director and GIZ ProTVET III staff members, VTCs and vocational training providers (VTPs) staff and students, captains of the TVET industry, higher education institutions that offer TVET, national and international researchers in TVET, TVET academics, and students will also be invited to attend this conference.

“Firstly, the voice of the youth related to TVET will be heard through this conference,” says Kloppers, adding that the youth will be exposed to and participate in various debates and discussions on how TVET can be repositioned to drive the development of the country.

According to Kloppers, this is also an opportunity for young people to rediscover TVET and realise that the field is a vibrant one that accommodates not only those who have no other options, but anyone who wants to use their creativity to build a better Namibia for all.

A call for registration has been made through Nust More information is available at

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