Former Okapale fishermen unhappy with Iyaloo Women Group Investment

The former Okapale fishermen employed by the Iyaloo Women Group Investment, under the government redress programme, are accusing the company of unfair labour practices.

In a petition, read by Okapale fishermen chairperson Godfried Kuhanga on Friday, the 234 fishermen demanded the reinstatement of their colleague, Abisalom Hamunyela, who was allegedly unfairly dismissed.

The fishermen called for the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation to investigate the issue of unfair dismissals in companies allocated governmental redress quotas.

They demanded a copy of the presentation made by the company to the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources when they committed to employing the fishermen under the redress programme and threatened to approach the Anti-Corruption Commission if this is not done.

The employees further wanted clarity regarding the type of workers the company said it would employ, noting that they are fishermen but are working in the factory.

The workers also noted their unhappiness with a statement reportedly made by the company’s managing director, Annastasia Helao, on a Namibian Sun television programme, in which she said the company employed fishermen that went on an illegal strike.

The fishermen further called for a meeting with the directors of the company to solve the issue of the amendment of their employment contracts as decided at a meeting on 12 April, which has not yet come into effect.

They requested that the fisheries minister not allocate fishing quotas for employment purposes to the company in future, especially if it involves the Okapale fishermen.

The petition was received by Lianah Bock, one of the company’s directors, who promised to channel it to the relevant authorities.

Helao could not be reached for comment yesterday.

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